The setback

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AHHHHH! Why Kane?!?! He was doing what he was supposed to and some dick comes and cross checks him and he falls to the boards. Way. Too. Hard.
My peekaboo left the game in tears he was holding his shoulder. I don't know what is going on! I need to take my anger out on something! Alright. I got this. If I move the puck past Seabs to Keith, then he would be able to pass it to Seabs then back to me and I would pass to Hoss or Saad I they move by the goal post then they would pass back to me and I could hit Luongo on the weak side.
Kane POV.
The tears keep coming. the pain is so bad! AHH! Why me. I want Toews! He helped me off the ice his touch made me shiver but the pain was overwhelming.
Still Kane POV.
I broke my fucking Collar Bone and I'm out for 12 weeks, even if I come back at that time, coach is probably gonna scratch me anyway. When I got the news on how long I would be out, I think I cried for at least an hour and a half. My eyes hurt. My freaking body is killing me! I want Toews to keep me company! Maybe I could tell him I love him. Probably not, I can't take anymore disappointment today.

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