3. magical messup

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In the haste of life, another body bumped my shoulder and walked ahead, some arrogant guy greeting his friends too obnoxiously loud at freaking seven on a Monday morning. Have some curtsey to the society, without the privileges of coffee, around you, arsehole.

My feet dragged against the floor, already dreading the disappointment that would follow through the course of this day. I was stoked and equally paranoid to continue living. I curled my fist around the tacky advertisement pamphlet in my hand as I reached my locker and flung it open, narrowly missing a girl's forehead, and threw the ball inside. A crumpled line reading, 'Silverstone calls you for the Science Festa Orientation Ceremony,' peeped through.

My selective hearing tuned in on the whisperers amongst the chaos around me. My locker partner gush to her friend, "Does Hale not look a little down these days? I've heard he's been skipping practice. Poor boy, I wonder what happened?"

They exchanged a chuckle as I eyed the weary inside of my locker, lacking personality or depth—just like the majority of students in our highchool.

"I've heard his parents are getting divorced and his hoe of a mother is getting his custody," I heard another passing comment and rolled my eyes, stuffing my bag with science books needed for the day.

"Wait—he has parents?! I thought he only had a brother in college!" another voice added and I couldn't help the sigh that escaped my lips.

I wonder if it was hard, concerning yourself with everyone else's matters. I could care less.

Another body pushed past me and my forehead hit the edge of my math book and I seethed in. I wish I could pull back the man with his hood, smash his head against the lockers with a loud bang and kick him in the balls and shout, "Look where you're going, asshole!"

But I didn't.

Not because I couldn't, but because I knew it wouldn't be worth it. Humans are never worth it.

Absolutely not because I am a lanky, pathetic, teenager who would pull a muscle just trying grab someone by their hoodie! And totally not because, if I shout my voice would blend into the surroundings and never reach their ears.

I shut my locker, slowly and carefully, behind me as the bell rang loud and clear, announcing the start of our first period. As the students rushed to their classes, hoarding together like a cattle, I blend in and navigate my way through the hallway of sticky bodies and smelly armpits and head to the school auditorium across the field.

As you might have brilliantly noticed, I'm particularly not a head turner. I barely have any presence among my peers and my superpower, if one could call it, is getting lost in a crowd. It was a brilliant ability when in class, especially when teachers hand pick students to answer questions.

The morning was dewy and the grass underneath my converse was wet. The misty sky hung overhead like a premonition of doom. Like a grey treasure chest sealing all the gold of light within. As the second warning bell rang, my fingers clutched my bag impulsively tighter and my feet paced faster.

I was 5'4" my legs would not make it if I strode, so I ran. The circular dome of redstone was within my sight. Imperial cylindrical windows eyeing my movements like an unnamed observer, stalking the premise. My legs ran faster. I couldn't be late.

I had a weird name, Ceridwen, good Lord my stomach churned and my hands went clammy. I hate being singled out. I dreaded the feeling of my teacher mispronouncing it in a hall full of people.

No, I cannot be late and let myself into the spotlight.

The Orientation coordinator would say my name weirdly.

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