Only The Beginning

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Scene 1 Episode 1: Black and White

AN: Y/HB- your hobby

Y/n Pov:

"Mom I'm going to head to school now and I wont be able to have breakfast, BYE" I yelled to my mom as I passed her running to get out the door so I don't miss my bus, you don't want to late for the bus on the first day of school (not good for the reputation)

" Well are you sure you cant stay a little longer sweetie I was just about to make eggs and I cant eat them all myself". I know she was just trying to get me to eat before I left but the buses are coming more early in the morning now since there is a new driver, it said so in the letter the school sent to the parents saying that it would arrive 10 minutes early. I apologized I could not stay and sprinted for the bus stop sports may not be my thing but if I miss but bus that would mean I would have to WALK to school and I'm not doing that.

After about 5 minutes waiting the bus arrived and I sat in the back of the bus with my two best friends Mia and Star. We have been friends since I got to Westview and it is great knowing I've got them to help me (if I need it , which most of the time I do but that's not important). " Y/n what's up I brought muffins for us all to eat on the bus ride since I would assume that none of us ate breakfast". After Mia finished that sentence we went quiet looked at each other with a serious face then went into a fit of laughter. Its weird and comforting how we know each other so well and all took a muffin. After taking a bite into the muffin I decided to spark up a conversation.

"So how was your vacation Star, your family were going to New York right? "I asked even though I completely forgot were she told she was going yet I still wanted to ask. "Welllll" Star said dragging the L, "We decided not to go you know Small town, so hard to leave". she said with a hint of sadness in her tone. Star was really looking forward to that trip and yet had to cancel but she even packed her bag already? How can someone cancel a trip so quick?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the buss came to a stopping to a hult
"So as I was saying I think it would be a great idea if we participate in the talent show in a few months" Star was explaining to us although I did not hear the first part of the conversation the talent show sounds fun "That sounds fun and all but what would we do" Mia asked in a curious tone.
"Well we could do something like a band?" I recommended at first they both gave me a weird glance but after a minute of thinking we decided to do the idea.
Once the Bus pulled into the school parking lot the kids slowing got off one by one eventually it was our time to get off I got off first then Mia than Star. We all had the same first period but we don't have much classes together after that.
We all walked through the big two doors leading into the high school.
"Wait what class  do we have again first  I may or may not have forgotten". Star asked the two of us, once hearing her question I chuckled and replied with "We have Miss Burlington. "I could see that Star had a disgusted look on her face so I asked "what's the matter is she not a good teacher?"
Star gave a nervous glance and whispered " there is a rumour going around that she is going to be one of the judges at the Westview talent show".
At this I was confused, why was that bad?
Mia could read my face like a book and stated " If we got on her bad side do you know how bad that could be?" Once Mia said it it did make a-lot of sense if we got on her bad side then we would may not be able to even enter.
As these thoughts were in my head had made it to our class but we had to chose seats and I had a idea in my head
" Hey guys do you know how at the beginning of the year they put us in the seats we like for a week, Then they switch it" Mia was the first to hear my idea to which she replied with "ya why"
"Well if we laugh or talk when not supposed to we wont sit next to each other for the rest of the year" at this point Star was listening to and replied with " they do have a good point guys" almost on cue the rest of the class started to arrive and sat in seats with there friends. Yet the three group of girls split ways Mia was in the front of the class I was in the middle and Star being Star sat in the back only because she thought she saw a cute guy but we just laughed it off as a joke.

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