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The whole day was cloudy and grey, so it was actually a question of time when it'll start to rain. And it did, later that same day, when the blond-haired boy was trying to get home - rather his girlfriend's home, because just a few moments earlier his parents had kicked him out - the dark sky broke apart and thick raindrops poured down onto the young man, soaking his hair and long coat in water. He hadn't even an umbrella to protect himself from the cold wetness.
As if his mood could get worse than it already was. Nearly impossible.

The only good thing of the rain was, no one would see the tears streaming down his flushed cheeks, people passing by would just assume they were raindrops.
Out of nothing, his life became a mess, yesterday Yeonjun had everything and today... everything was gone. Homeless, loveless, and much more hopeless.

The day started even worse, because his parents found out about his relationship to a boy in high school. It was long ago and they weren't even together anymore, yet his quite conservative, homophobic parents assumed, he was gay, even though he had a girlfriend now. It wasn't completely wrong, however, Yeonjun wasn't gay. He rather considered himself as bisexual or pansexual, he wasn't quite sure about that. The only thing he knew was that he didn't care about the gender or the person itself, just the love, the time and memories together were important to him. There was nothing on earth, he needed more than pure love and affection.
But back to his parents, they kicked him out, broke the contact and immediately stopped helping Yeonjun financially. Basically, he had nothing.

But there was a second thing which made his day even worse. The loss of money.
Even though his parents wouldn't help him financially anymore, Yeonjun still had his job at a small restaurant. It wasn't a something big but he earned money. Money that he needed to pay the fees for university which was now impossible for him because he lost his small part-time job. The owner retired and unfortunately didn't found a new owner who would take over the previous employees. After hearing those news, he already was pretty down and his mood sunk with every bad thing that happened after that.

It couldn't get worse, right?
Oh, of course, it could.

On his way home, with his bag full of clothes and stuff he could pack this morning, before he had to leave the house, he wanted to text his girlfriend if he could stay at her's, but that wasn't necessary after he read the message that popped up as he switched his phone on again.

I'm sorry, Yeonjun, that it has to end like this and that I don't have the courage to tell you in person but I don't love you anymore, or not enough. There is just that one guy I can't get out of my mind. Please don't ask and please don't try to get me back. This thing, this relationship between us had never worked out. I didn't make you happy, I saw it, and I wasn't happy either. This would be the best for the both of us.
I'm not home the next few days, so you can get all of your things you left at my apartment and we won't see each other. You know where the spare key is, after that you can put it in the mailbox.
I wish you all the best and thank you for the time we had.
I'm sorry.

She wasn't wrong. They were far from being happy actually but still Yeonjun loved her somehow... or he was just good at talking himself into it until he fully believed it. Nevertheless, it was enough to let his mood sink even more. He felt the tears of frustration and sadness well up in his dark brown, glossy eyes, close to streaming down his rosy, cold cheeks.

In conclusion, Yeonjun had within a day lost nearly everything that he needed or cared for. He had no income of money, which means he couldn't afford the next fees and would probably lose his degree. He lost his family, his girlfriend and his home.
From one day to the next the blonde lost all of his courage to live. And all of this just a few days before Christmas. The time of the year you spend happily with your special someone, your family or your friends, obviously not for Yeonjun anymore. He hadn't even a place to sleep, how should he celebrate christmas then? On the streets? Alone?

In every normal situation he would've asked his best friend, if could stay at his apartment for a few days until he had a solution for this situation but unfortunately Soobin wasn't in the city. They were on winter break, so the purple-haired, young man decided to visit his parents in his hometown together with his girlfriend. The next options were his two other friends Hueningkai and Taehyun, but the couple was visiting the Taehyun's family over Christmas.

On the other side of the street was a small bus station, so without watching the the light-haired crossed the street. His view was blurry and the rain hadn't stopped yet. Quiet sobs left his plump lips and his mind was all over the place as he heard the loud honking of a car. Before the car could've hit Yeonjun, he was pulled back by a unknown hand which grabbed his arm as he stumbled to the wet ground.

"Be careful." A soothing, gentle and young voiced echoed in Yeonjun's head and his shocked eyes searched for the young man, who probably saved his life. His breaths were fast and uneven and his lips a little agape. As his brown eyes found his lifesaver, they immediately widened and his breath hitched. That was this guy. He would recognize those unmistakable dark hairs and those beautiful, angel-like features everywhere, even now when it was dark and the only light was coming from the street lantern next to the bus station across the street. Every time when something happened, this strange man was right next to Yeonjun, or not far away.

Who the hell was he?

- - -

Hello and welcome to my special gift for you!
I really, really like it and hopefully you do so as well. I don't think there's much more to say other than be kind to each other and maybe (if you like) leave some love 💛

I apologize for every mistake. Especially if there are names that don't make sense. I'm sorry, but I wrote this book as a sookai fic before I changed it.


- tokbinnie

BY YOUR SIDE // 𝑦𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑦𝑢Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang