F.H, D.M | ex boyfriend💞

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Draco's pov:

As me and five walked to class we waited for y/n but decided to just go inside, all lesson we kept waiting for her but she never came.
We had gotten worried about her because she would never miss a lesson.

"Hey what is taking y/n so long to get to class" five asked me in a whisper
"I have no idea" I whispered back.
"DRACO AND FIVE SHUT IT" the teacher yelled at us,
"Sorry miss" we both said at the same time.

It was the end of the class and yet Y/n was nowhere to be seen.
We walked out and saw Blaise and asked him where y/n was, his face went white and said "she's been crying all day because her boyfriend cheated on her with pansy"
we both ran to her dorm pushing our way through the crowd of kids in the hall,
we got there and knocked on the door but just opened it, she was on her bed crying hard.

We walked over to her and tapped her shoulder, she looked up with her mascara smudged, dark red eyes and a stuffy nose. Five just ran into a hug and didn't let go,
I jumped on her bed and hugged her to,
five got up and walked to her small kitchen, she turned around and faced me she hugged me tight and I could feel and see her mascara get on my white button up shirt.
Five walked back with a knife and a rolling pin,
"I'll be back I'm gonna go teach him a lesson, Draco stay here" and left to go hurt y/n ex boyfriend.

Fives pov:

I walked out and run down the hall to his room, I kicked the door down and saw him kissing pansy.
I got so pissed and hit him with the rolling pin he fell to the floor and I saw pansy run out in fear, I got on him and wacked his heaps with the rolling pin but then he pushed me to the floor and punched me in the face.
I kneed him in the nuts and he groaned in pain, I pulled the knife and put it up to his throat and said "if you ever EVER HURT Y/N AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU, got it!" I felt like killing him at this point but he nodded in agreement aggressively.

I walked back wiping the blood of my head from the punch. I walked in and saw Draco kissing y/n passionately, Draco was on top of y/n and I could hear y/n moaning into the kisses. It made me horny.

Draco's pov:

Five walked out but me and y/n are still cuddling. I kissed her forehead and then kissed her cheek she giggled and said "stop" in an inorcent way. I kept kissing all around her face, she was giggling and sqarming around as I did. I got on top of her and kept kissing her small face until I have kissed every inch of her face except one inch, her lips.

I looked at her deep into her eyes and kissed her, I bit her lip and stuck my tongue down her mouth. As we shared a moment to ourselves we where half interrupted but five walking in. Why I said half, it's because we knew he was there watching us kiss and didn't do anything, we were still kissing Infront of him too.

Words: 638

I think there will be a part two to this one because I can make a smut to this one. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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