6. "marry him"

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Amy pov

It was such a lovely day; I had applied sunscreen and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. I was sitting near the pool, it was such a relaxing moment. I had never been to this place I wondered, how did Brian not mention about this place in these four years.

"How is this day turning out for you love, are you having fun" he gave a small peck on my lips.

"This is so amazing, honey, thank you so much" I replied with my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I would like to have a drink though," I smiled.

"Oh yes, yes, coming right up "he went straight to the bar which was setup near the poolside.

I watched him with amaze as he walked away, how lucky was I to get a good man like him. He takes such good care of me. He was staring back at me, after ordering the drink, smiling, and then turned away. In a blink of an eye a girl comes next to him and starts to run her hand on Brian's shirtless back.

My smile faded and I looked in disbelief. Who was that girl, I couldn't see her face. She had curly brown hair, with a big ass and long legs. What had happened next was unbelievable , she held his hand and started to take him into the pool. What the hell Brian!

I call up to him, why the fuck was he not listening to me! It was like that I was not even there anymore or he had forgotten about me. They were in the pool in waist deep water, staring into each other's eyes, there were so close with tips of their noses touching each other.

I got so fucking furious, I stood up, grabbed an empty bottle of beer , which was someone else's. I had made my clear decision to bang it on either of their heads. I jumped in the water. Briannn!!!

I woke up, startled and confused, how the hell did I reach my bed. I Looked left and right realizing it was such a strange dream. I could feel my heartbeat slowly stabilizing. I didn't know why, I was somehow mad at Brian, even knowing so it was a dream, he shouldn't have done that!

I got up from my bed looked at the time it was almost half one . I needed some water to quench my thirst, walked in the house like a fucking ghost in the dark. I went to check in on Mia, her bedroom door was open. What the hell, she has not come home yet! where could she possibly be.

I was in the kitchen when dad switched on the lights.

"Jesus fucking Christ, dad, you scared the shit out of me" I said covering my eyes from the light.

"I scared you, you are the one lurking around the house in the dark, you scared me damnit! What are you doing up at this hour anyway" he replied with a grumpy voice.

"just came to get some water-" I started to say when he interrupted.

"Mia is still not here, huh?" he asked, worried.

"dad its okay, let her have some fun, I'm sure she is fine" I replied trying to convince him, I was not though.

In the middle of our conversation, I heard a creaking noise from our front door. Dad looked at me and I looked back at him back smiling. A thud came from the living room .

"why does she have to slam the door , I bet she is drunk" he shook his head .

"yeah, I bet too" I laughed.

"Is she humming," I asked dad in excitement. We both tilted our head towards one side to hear clearly.

Mia was humming, as she approached closer it went loud enough. She stood still in the hallway, not expecting us to be there.

She acted so funny putting a finger on her lip. " shhhhh.

Then we all burst out in laughter. I could tell by her face, she was so happy. She came to me and asked me to dance with her. She twirled me round and round , I couldn't control myself or her. Then suddenly she let go of me, i was about to hit the counter when I gained control. What on earth happened to her today, I was concerned and happy at the same time.

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