Chapter One - You're Actually Going to the Bloody Prom?

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*Ada's POV*

"You really want me to help you study?" Newt asks me, amusement in his dark eyes, as he grabbed a text book from his locker.

"We used to study to together almost every weekend our Sophomore year. Plus, it's just for the math portion of the college entrance exam. If I don't pass: I won't get into college and my parents won't let go to the prom." I beg, nervously playing with my brown hair.

"You're actually going to the bloody prom? Who's the unlucky shank that asked you, anyways?" He asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Alby..." I trail off.

"Since when is the Student Body President your type?" He asks in slight confusion.

"He's nice and has really nice arms...he's actually pretty hot. Anyways, will you please help me?" I pout and bat my eyelashes over my brown eyes. "You've always been better at math than me."

"Gah! Fine, you bloody slinthead. I have lacrosse practice, so wait for me on the bleachers." He sighs shutting his locker.

"Thank you!" I squeal.

"Whatever, shuckface." he says punching my arm lightly. "What happened to that girl who would punch you if you even suggested going to prom?"

"C'mon, Newt. It's Senior year, it's my last high school dance I can ever go to." I say punching him back.


I sit on the bleachers waiting for Newt, staring at my phone. I should probably study and not be texting Minho random emojis out of boredom, but I tried studying last night by myself and it ended with me crying so hard that my workbook has some water damage. My mom even asked me about it and told her our cat Twiggy knocked a glass of water onto my math workbook.

I don't do well with math and stress, hopefully I won't have a panic attack in front of Newt. All of the guys watched me have panic attack when we were in our Freshman year and it scared the klunk out of all four them. So since then, I have avoided having them around them, only having them while I'm by myself.

"Great practice guys!" I hear Newt yell in the distance.

I look up and see Newt taking off his sweaty shirt and throwing it in his lacrosse bag. Lord have mercy on my soul, I am unworthy to have four friends who happen to be really shucking hot. Newt runs up to me holding a new shirt, but he is still shirtless and his blonde hair is soaked in sweat.

"Ready to go, Addie?" He says smirking down at me as my nickname rolls off his tongue, he must of caught me looking.

"Yeah of course." I say standing up and coughing awkwardly.

He slips the new shirt on and heads towards his car, with me following right behind him.

"Your house or mine?" he asks jumping into his old black Volkswagen bus, his parents got him for his sixteenth birthday.

"Mine, please." I say putting a Fall Out Boy CD into his CD player and play Uma Thurman.

"Chuck didn't need a ride?" He asks concerned.

"Chuck took the bus. He might be a freshman, but I'm not gonna baby him anymore." I say, turning the music down. "So, you're not going to prom at all?" I ask out of boredom.

"I'm not. I even thought about asking someone, but she's going with someone else." He says driving.

"Anyone I know?"

"Nope. Nobody important." He says running his hand through his hair.


He pulls into my driveway and I take the CD out of the player.

Maze High School - Maze Runner AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora