Chapter 18

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(So by now guys, a lot has come out in the story but I still have lots more to happen! 💞)

I can't possibly be kind of in love with Dan...can I? I mean after everything he's done to me I don't really think that it's the best idea right now... But somehow I just can't get over the fact that I actually like him just a tiny bit.
I have all of these emotions running through my head, I'm too busy keeping up with other people's lives than I do my own, I don't get it?
After everything I said to him in the restaurant, said to him in hospital, said to him in school I don't really think that he would like me right now would he? But send time in the future I may tell him if he becomes nicer to me but if he doesn't then he has no chance. I would rather be with Nathan then be with Dan but my feelings are having mixed messages about who I like more.

"Lilly your food is ready!" My mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

I got out of my bed, stood up and walked towards my door, I pull the handle down and exited the room. I walk down the stairs and I walk straight into the living room with my food was placed on the dining table. My mummy has made wraps again they are really the best thing in the world.

Thank your mum! I really really like your wraps a lot, there are literally the best thing in The world and you should never stop making them because honestly I don't know what I would do without these wraps!" I said admiring the food

I didn't expect to ever say that in my whole entire life but I just said it which means my life is even more messed up then I thought it was, I'm worshipping these wraps like it's God or something. I swear I'm normal.
All of a sudden there was a faint knock at the door, I stood up but my mother excused me and she opened the door. A familiar Welsh accent started speaking...Dan

"Is Lilly here?" I heard him ask my mother

"Yes, why?" She asked

"I need to speak to her....urgently" he added

"Lilly! A Welsh person is at the door who wants to speak to you!" She said calling as she went into the kitchen

I stood up once again and slowly made my way to the door, I dot know what this is going to be about but whatever it may be, I'm scared. I don't why I am scared, I think it's because now I think I slightly like him the way he likes me, everything would seem awkward, yknow if you speak to your crush and you get really nervous? I feel like whenever I speak to Dan it's going to be like that...even though I told him to never speak to me again but clearly that message went in through one ear and out through the other.
I peered around the door and then eventually stood in front of him.

"What?" I said trying to sound harsh but I didn't

"Can we speak outside?" He asked me, oh god

"Umm s-sure?" I said nervously, luckily that sounded more confused that nervous so he won't suspect anything

I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I turned back around and carried on speaking to Dan.

"No offence Dan, but after past events, you would think to just leave me alone from now on as I don't particularly fancy you being around me or speaking to me anymore...." I said in a confessional tone

"Look, I'm sorry, so very sorry, you know I have bipolar and I can't help it, really, I didn't mean to ruin your date with Nathan, I just got...jealous I suppose and I wanted that to be me and you but obviously I screwed the chances of that happening. I rang Nathan up and told him everything and he said he felt like an idiot walking out on you because he knows it's wrong to just waltz out on a 'hang out' with someone he really liked and he wants to hang out again sometime! I made sure he was going to apologise to you and I'm sure he will love you more than I ever could. He has never told me that he likes you but from all the stares and not laughing at my jokes and going to a posh restaurant to eat food for a 'hang out' it's obvious! I mean come on he loves you and it's obvious that you lo-" I cut Dan off

"Dan" I said softly "I-I don't like Nathan" I said quietly

"Huh?" He said confused

I can't believe I'm actually about to do this but I need to sort y life out, it's just one big mess, maybe by doing this I will actually be able to clear up my life a bit so everything is as complicated. So here goes....

"I like you, Dan" I said, well now I have messed, mess up big time.

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