Chapter 32

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I opened my eyes, I felt very cold...I sat up and the blanket fell down. Hang on, blanket? Hang on bed? When did I go to bed? And why am I naked? What's happened? Where am I? I heard snoring and rolled over to see that Welsh blonde boy hugging a bottle of that's what happened, how convenient....I huffed and continued to sit down on the bed for three more seconds before getting out of bed and quickly putting my clothes back on.

"Don't know why you are rushing for, it's nothing that I haven't seen" Dan said with a raspy voice

"I told you Dan, I didn't want anything to happen, I mean you know me? I wanted to wait to get married and have kids and be normal but instead I got tempted with wine by the looks of it" I said pointing to the wine bottle Dan is still hugging "and then got drunk and yknow, that happened"

"What happened?" Dan said smirking

"You know what I mean! Please don't make me say it..." I said blushing

"Fine fine I won't" Dan said laughing just as his alarm has gone off "shit I'm late" Dan cursed under his breath

"Late for what?" I asked putting my hair into a ponytail

"Nothing, just a uh, job interview" Dan said smiling

"Oh, you didn't tell me you were getting a job?" I asked

"Yeah well I didn't want to disappoint you, I mean not many people would want me working in their shop. To be honest" he said chuckling

"I agree" I said sarcastically

"Fuck up" Dan said laughing

"Shut up Dan or I'll knock you into next week"

"Mate, fight me then" he said pretending to be a boxer

"Nah I would beat you anyway" I said flipping my hair

"You wish" he said rolling his eyes

"I don't wish, I already know the facts" I said whilst doing that really sassy emoji gesture

"Sure sure" he said before leaving the room to go into the bathroom.

I sat back down onto the bed and looked at my phone. '4 missed calls from mum' '12 texts from mum' I forgot to tell her where I was! I quickly shoved my phone in my dirty jeans and raced to the bathroom door which was shut

"Dan!" I shouted and tapped on the door at the same time so he could hear me as the shower was running

"Yeah?" He called stopping the shower from running

"I have to go, I forgot to tell my mum where I was, sorry" I explained to him

"No worries, anyway I would be at that job interview today so don't worry about it!" He shouted before switching the shower back on

I raced down the stairs and into the living room where I found my bag flung half way across the room, oops? I picked it up and left the house and legged it back home, a flew blocks down.
I forgot my key to the house so I had to know the door and Jacob answered the door.

"Look what the cat dragged in" he said before walking off into the living room

"Funny one you are" I said sarcastically as I wiped my feet on the 'welcome' mat and slamming the door shut by accident.

I dumped my bag on the 3rd step up and I heard running coming from across the landing, then two legs one by one race down the stairs, oh mother...

"Where have you been!" She said hugging me

"I was at Dans house" I said trying to escape the tightness of her hug

"Have you been drinking?" She asked

I hesitated which gave it away "only a sip of wine or two, no big deal" I said rolling my eyes before taking a few steps up the stairs

"Father came to the house last night" Mother said, stopping me in my tracks. I slowly turned around on the stairs and gave her a confused look "he said he was sorry, he wanted a do over"

"And you said....?"

"Yes" she said softly

"But why? After the lies he's told you?" I asked waking back down the stairs to I sit on the last one

"I....I don't know" she said shaking her head

"Because she's a doofus!" Jacob called from the living room

"Jacob, why don't you shut up yeah?" I shouted at him and he just laughed

"I really do love him, after everything" mother said starting to tear up

"You don't have to" I said sympathetically

"I do" she said nodding before walking back into the kitchen

I huffed and walked back upstairs to go and take a shower. I hope Dan does well in the job interview today! I'll have to find out later, I need to shower myself and wash my hair, re-do my makeup and put on some fresh clothes before I do anything else. Dan forgot to tell me where he is working but oh well, I'll find out later, I was in a rush today.

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