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I felt like I could barely move. My legs burned, my vision blurring. All I remember is reaching the top of a hill, seeing a farmhouse, blue with white trim, someone running up to me and me ending up in someones arms. After that, I don't know quite what happened.


I felt someone's hand on my wrist and flinched, nearly throwing myself upright. My head was pounding, my eyes taking a moment to focus. I felt a softer touch on my shoulder a second later.

"It's alright. He's trying to help you." I didn't know who this was, yet it made me calm down. I think he was the one I saw running up to me, judging by the fact he was here with me. "This is Will Solace, he's a medic here, he won't hurt you."

I looked up at him and nodded slightly, letting him lay me back down. He had ginger, almost orange hair, green eyes, and a scar over his left eye.

"Spencer, did you get a name?" The other boy, who I assumed was Will Solace, spoke. Lightly pressing on different parts of my body, checking for breaks I think. Spencer, that must be the boy who carried me here. Wherever here was-

"No. By the time I reached her she was already out of it enough I couldn't get anything out of her except the word please."

Solace nodded and looked at me. "Can you tell me your name?" He asked softly.

I barely recognized my own voice as I spoke. "Lilah."

He nodded. "Can you sit up a bit for me?"

I nodded slightly and pushed myself to sit up, biting my lip. My entire body hurt, cuts and bruises visible over my skin. I wanted to curl up, I wanted to go home. But these people are helping me- so I'd stay at least for now.

"I have to bandage some of these cuts okay? Is it okay if I touch you to do that?" By now he probably realized how much I didn't want to be touched.

I glanced up at Spencer, immediately feeling calmer at the sight of him for some reason, before nodding quietly.

"Alright." He started wrapping my arms and parts of my legs, wherever I had wounds that were apparently still bleeding. "Can you tell me your last name? We might be able to find your family that way. Or at least someone you know."

I just nodded quietly. "Fairchild. Lilah Fairchild."

Will Solace blinked and looked over at Spencer. "Fairchild-"

"I'll go find her." Spencer nodded, walking out. I immediately felt more tense when he left. I couldn't tell why I felt safe with him around, but him leaving made me anxious.

A couple minutes later I heard someone walk in and turned my head. I felt like I could cry at the sight. My older sister-

"Lilah-" I didn't let Sun say anything else, practically throwing myself at her, burying my face in her shoulder. My legs felt like they might give out, and I tightened my grip on her slightly. Tears felt despite my efforts to hold them back. "You- why aren't you home?" I felt her arms around me.

"Wh-what's the date?" I murmured, ignoring her question entirely.

"August 27th. Why?" She moved back slightly.

"Almost three months.." I barely heard my own voice.


I sunk down onto the cot. "Almost three months- no, no it can't, no-"


I moved without thinking about it, kneeling in front of Lilah and gently grabbing her hands. "Hey hey it's okay." I brushed my thumbs over her knuckles gently, vaguely aware that Sun was watching us. "It's alright. You're safe."

"It couldn't have been that long." She kept talking to herself under her breath, her hands shaking in my grasp.

"Hey, Lilah look at me." I gently hooked a finger under her chin, making her look up at me. "It's alright. You're safe." I didn't know what happened to her to make her seem so scared, but I recognized how she was feeling.

"I wanna go home." Her lip quivered slightly, her hands trembling. She looked scared, and confused.

"Lilah, if you're here, it's the safest place for you." I glanced up at Sun, who just nodded to me. "That pine tree up on the hill? There's a barrier there that keeps out anyone and anything except demi-gods, gods, satyrs, and some others. Monsters and mortals can't get in. Chances are you're a demi-god, like your sister and this is where it's safest for you."

"Demi-god?" Her hands didn't seem to be shaking anymore, her fingers just curled around mine.

"Half god, half mortal. You're at Camp Half-Blood, where the Greek demi-gods are. There's also Camp Jupiter, where the Roman demi-gods are. Though some Greek demi-gods go to college or live there. This is safe for us."

"But I have to go home. I have to tell them that I'm okay-"

I studied her for a moment, still holding her hands. Dark bags under her eyes, her cheekbones were hollow, her fingernails cracked and broken. Not to mention all the cuts and bruises.

"We can talk to Chiron about using the phone to call mom and dad." Sun sat down next to her. "Right now you need to rest. Li it's easy to see that you haven't slept well recently." She said softly.

"No- no I don't want to sleep." I could see the flicker of fear in her eyes and that's when I was sure I knew what happened. I'd felt that same flicker of fear for months anytime sleeping was brought up.

"Tell you what. How about Sun goes to find Chiron and I'll show you around? And explain if you have any questions."

I watched her study me for a moment, then look down at her hands which were still gripping mine. She looked back up, nodding a little and said. "Okay."

Not as long as most of my chapters probably will be but I wanted to get this out :))


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