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For the first time in ages, my mind was blank while I slept. All I could sense was the fingers running through my hair softly.

Gods I never wanted to wake up. I felt so peaceful..

When I did finally wake up, I glanced up to see Spencer asleep, his back against the wall. His fingers still gently woven into my hair.

I rubbed at my eyes faintly, though stayed where I was.

His body was warm, his presence calming.

I closed my eyes, nuzzling into his hand faintly.

"You're up." He murmured softly, moving his hand. Opening his eyes. "Did you sleep okay? No nightmares?"

"No." I sat up slightly, brushing a hand through my hair. "None."

"Good." He smiled a bit. "C'mon, we can stop by the kitchens and get you a snack. They're usually okay with new campers getting food outside of meal times. A lot of us are on the run for a while before we make it here, they get needing food." He sat up properly, stretching. "After that I'll show you around. You can get settled in Hermes cabin after that, then it should be dinner time. You'll sit with the Hermes kids at dinner, we sit by cabin. They're nice, a set of twins are the head counselors of Hermes cabin. Their names are Eric and Ivy. They're sweet people. A little chaotic at times, but."

"But.. I don't know any of them.. how am I supposed to sleep-"

"All demigods have nightmares Lilah. They won't judge you, and they'll do what they can to help you." He stood, offering a hand. "We all get it, some of the campers can be dicks, but for the most part they'll be nice."

"No its not- its not that. I just.. I can't sleep around people I don't know.. here because Hypnos is the God of sleep yes but.."

"Hey, it'll be okay. If it gets too bad we can talk to Chiron about it. Sometimes exceptions are made. For now, let's get you something to eat." He said softly.

I took his hand, getting up. "Okay.."

I let him lead me to what must've been the kitchens.

"Want anything in particular?" He asked softly.

"Uhm. Pasta?" I murmured quietly.

"We can do that." He smiled, walking in. "Hey, Viatrix, pass me a plate."

A girl with shirt blonde hair walked over. "New camper?" She asked, holding a plate out. "Here's a glass too." She passed it over. "Just drop them in the sink once you're done."

"Yep. Thanks Lumine." He smiled, handing me the items.

"Uhm. What do I do with this?"

"Think of what you want. It'll appear on the plate. It's how we eat all our meals. It's the same for the glass. Think of what drink you'd like."

"Is there somewhere quieter I could eat?"

"Yeah, c'mon." He led me outside, down towards the lake. "My brother found this spot years ago. It's just kinda been realized as a spot for Poseidons kids to come relax." He led me down to a small hidden spot on the beach, right next to the water. "Percy hasn't been here in a while, he's in New Rome for college. So it's just my space. You're welcome to come to it when you need some space."

"Thank you." I nodded, looking out at the water.

"Go on, eat. Just relax. You'll get into the hang of camp life soon. For the first while, most people will be relaxed." He smiled. "It's okay to make mistakes. You'll learn here. Grow and heal. You'll be safe. No one can get you. Humans can't cross the boundary line, neither can monsters."

I closed my eyes, thinking off food and drink, just nodding along to what he was saying.

Maybe I will be okay here. At the moment I couldn't say for sure but. I was hopeful.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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