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It didn't make sense-

Gods, demigods, centaurs?

"I can tell you're confused my dear, perhaps your sister would do better at explaining it." Chiron smiled faintly, nodding to Sun.

"Li, this is where James and I have been coming every summer." She said softly.

"You told me- it was a school thing-"

"We told you that because if you knew the truth as to what we were, it'd put you in danger." She knelt down in front of me. "Li, even if you were just mortal, knowing about this world would've put you in more danger. Now that doesn't really matter, since you're a demigod but." She shook her head. "I'm sorry that we didn't tell you, but we didn't want anything to happen to you."

"But if you're demigods, what about mum and dad?"

"James and I are Athena kids. Athena creates her demigod children from thought. She took a liking to dad, admired his intelligence or something along those lines. First she gave him James, and then me. Mum treated us as her own from the very beginning. It's rare a god or goddess has more than one child with a mortal, but Athena went back to dad after James. Maybe even twice."

"What d'you mean?"

"If I had to guess, you're an Athena kid like James and me." She smiled faintly. "You also have the looks of most of the Athena kids. Grey eyes and blonde hair. You'll be claimed in time though, Athena or not."

I nodded slightly, honestly hopeful I'd share a cabin with my brother and sister once I was claimed.

"Until then you'll be in the Hermes cabin. Most of Hermes' kids are nice, so it shouldn't be too bad." She sat beside me. "For now, you need some rest Li."

"I can't- I don't want to sleep-" I shook my head, knowing that if I did, I'd be plagued with nightmares.

"Li you need to sleep." Sun murmured, gently trying to nudge me to lay down.

"No- I don't want-"

"I have an idea Lilah." I relaxed almost instantly at the sound of Spencer's voice, looking over. "The Hypnos cabin. I've seen people with the worst nightmares walk in there, and they'll fall asleep. Such a deep one nightmares can't occur. If you're willing to try, I can bring you there. Some people can fight it off with practice but I doubt you'll be able to now. Does that sound okay?"

I nodded a little and took his hand as he offered it.

"Once she's asleep, I'll have another camper come let you guys know if that works? I'd bring her back here but it doesn't always keep working once you leave the cabin." Spencer looked to my sister.

"Alright, keep an eye on her Spencer."

"I will." He smiled gently and led me to what I guessed was the Hypnos cabin. "Clovis!"

A tired looking kid lifted his head and just pointed to an empty bed before promptly passing back out.

Spencer chuckled faintly and gently led me to the bed, nudging me to sit down. "Just try to relax okay? I've got you."

I nodded a little. "Will you sit with me at least?" I murmured, my hair brushing into my face slightly.

"Of course, lay down." I did as he said, and he sat beside me, my head ending up in his lap.

My eyes quickly began to feel heavy, Spencer's fingers running through my hair.

I felt so tired..

I quickly ended up falling asleep, Spencer's hand in my hair.

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