Untitled Part 4

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Thoughts are a dangerous thing. Especially when you're like me and Ander. They can be invaded at any time, by any dead person that became their phantom, and without our own phantoms to protect us, there's nothing we can do about it.

I had never really thought about how much Phantoms protect us. Not until I lost mine. Now that I have, I must find other ways to protect my thoughts.

Someone's in my mind. I know it immediately. I can feel it. I don't quite know how to describe it. Almost like someone's walking around in there. It's not anyone I know, or at least, not anyone who has visited my mind before. I don't know why, of all times, now would be when someone comes poking around. Maybe something's happening in the Phantom Realm. Maybe someone just got bored and decided to go behind that brat of a queen's back and do something stupid. Whatever the case, I have to push aside what I was thinking. The dangerous thoughts that could get me killed. I can only hope that they didn't pick up on them.


I gasp out loud at the sound of the voice. A voice I never thought I would hear again. I freeze for a moment before I'm positive Ander didn't hear.


Oh, thank goodness it worked. I wasn't sure what I would do if it didn't. Nora, I don't have long. Seconds, maybe, before I'm found, so you must listen very carefully. Someone's using you to get to that boy. They say he's a true Phantom Witch. You must stay alert. You can't let them use you. Whatever happens, keep him alive and keep him pure. He's the only reason the Queen hasn't invaded yet. I have to go now. I don't know if I'll be able to pull this off again. I'll try to find out more. Stay safe, and keep the Phantom Witch safe, too. I love-

Her voice is abruptly cut off. I hold my breath to keep in a sob. Tears slip down my face, the loss of her presence seeming as sharp as when she died. I grit my teeth and focus on keeping my emotions to myself. I don't want Ander feeling them, too. I had gotten used to hiding emotions, but never before had I had to hide them from a stupid empath. Stupid magic.

I lose track of the time. I try to sleep, but it doesn't come. I just lay there, staring at Ander in the darkness like a creep. Maybe because I am a creep...

Ander stirs beside me.

"Nora? Why are you holding me like I'm a teddy bear?"

I jerk away, suddenly aware that, in fact, I had been.

"Sorry. You feeling better?"

"I'll let you know when I'm not still half asleep."

"Oh. Ok."

The door opens and someone turns on the light. Ander groans and covers his eyes.


I squint at the door and see Reese standing there.

"You're needed in the hall."

Ander groans again and I suppress a laugh.

"Just give us a second. We'll be out in a sec."

He nods and closes the door, but he leaves the light on. I stand and pull the blankets off him.

"Come on, Ander. You heard him. We're needed."

"I hate being needed."

"Oh, poor baby. Come on, let's go."

I grab his arm and tug him off the bed, and he flops to the ground.

"Stand up! I am not carrying you!"

"I don't wanna!"

"Boo hoo! Get up!"

Phantom Moon (Nora's part)Where stories live. Discover now