Untitled Part 6

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As I close Ander's door behind me, I realize that, while he was asleep, I had not left his side once. And that was a serious problem. I guess it's a good thing I got out of that room for a while. Of course, I won't admit that to anyone. They don't need to know.

I use the elevator this time, now that I can actually think clearly, and head down to the kitchen. I don't really feel like going out right now, mainly because of the massive headache I have from the stupid medication. I took some pain pills, but even those barely make a dent, so I plan on avoiding loud places for a while. Luckly, when I pass, most people stop talking to stare at me, so even the halls are relatively quiet.

Wow, I never thought I'd be happy about that.

When I open the kitchen door, it's dark and empty. Dinner was a while ago, so most everyone is already wherever it is they go. I start with the pantry, then the fridge, but I don't find anything. It doesn't help that I didn't ask what he wanted. Maybe I should just go out for food...

I spot a coffee maker and smile. While I was drinking my body weight in coffee while in paranoid detective mode, I had become addicted to the stuff. I open the cupboard above the beautiful thing first, but I don't find anything except plates. There's a cupboard beneath it, too, so I open that one, but what I find is even less coffee than the plates.


He peers up at me with that look that only emo teenagers can do. "What?"

He's holding an entire tub of ice cream and has a gigantic spoon which he digs into the ice cream. He licks it as if he's still a cat.

"What are you doing down there?"

"Eating ice cream. What does it look like?"

"Ok, I got that, but why down there?"

"Because I'm hiding from-"

He suddenly freezes, and his eyes go wide.

"Crap. Shut the door, would you? She's coming."

"She? She who?"

"Just shut it!"

I do as he says just as I hear Iz shouting from down the hall.

"Peeks! Where are you?! I miss you!" She bounds into the kitchen. "Nora! Have you seen Peeks? I've been looking everywhere, but I can't find him, and I was wondering if you could find him for me, or if you've seen him. You're really good at finding things, like when I hide from you when you're angry, and you always find me. So, anyway, have you seen him?"

For a millisecond, I consider giving him away, but really, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. No matter how pissy or annoying they are. (Ok, well, maybe Sydia or something, but other than that...)

"Nope, haven't seen him."

Her face becomes serious, and she narrows her eyes at me. "You're lying."

"No, I'm not. Why would I be lying?"

"You're keeping him from me. You want the cat all to yourself. You're keeping him hostage, aren't you?!"

"Iz, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb! He's in the cupboard behind you, isn't he?! I can smell the ice cream."

Wow. That just became terrifying.

"Sorry Janus, you're on your own."

I step aside and Iz smiles. I hear Janus sigh.

"Curse you, Nora. Curse you."

"Yay! Don't worry, Peeks, I'll save you!"

Iz bolts to the cupboard and flings it open. She tries getting in with Janus, but he scrambles around her, you know, like a cat, and slams it shut before she can get out. He then gets a stray cord from a different cupboard and ties it around the handles. He peers at me through his bangs.

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