My cherry blossom

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So hears the story on how me and Jeffy dated. "Hey!! Wait up!" I ran after Toby trying to catch up with him. "phew, why are you so fast?" I coughed out when I caught up with Toby. "Why are you so slow?" He replied "am not!" "Am too!" This was normal for us we always fight is that a key for perfect sibling ship? I sighed "do we really HAVE to go to school?" Toby shrugged "I don't know, do you want a job?"

I thought for a while. Me and Toby wanted to be together for ever so I guess that means we need to be in the same job, same house and share the SAME money. Soo yah we do have to go to school. 

Almost at school I bumped into a boy "oh my goodness I'm so so sorry... I-" he was beautiful. bright skin, soft lips, white jacket, blonde hair, crystal blue eyes "oh it's okay let me help you up" he reached his hand out to me and I took it, his skin is soft. I stood there looking at him admiring him as if I'd never had seen him again 

"uh- hello?" I snapped when he said hi "oh! oh- hi-hi- hello" he chuckled "I guess you have a crush Jeffrey" said a anonymous voice. I blushed, I guessed it was visible after what Jeff did next. He looked at me smirking in a devilish look I blushed more, he pulled me close by my hip. my hands were resting on his chest "so you like me doll?" he smiled more. "Let go of my sister you-" I stoped Toby "it's fine he's not gonna hurt me Toby" "ok candy..." he still wouldn't take any chances I think Jeff knew that by his look on his face. He let go of my hip I backed up and he grabbed me, turned me around and pulled my hip close to him again "w-what the hell!?" Toby was furious "let my sister go!" He yelled loud enough to have somebody walk up and punch him right in the face

 "Jeff!" I yelled, He grunted "ow..." Toby grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away but I didn't wanna go, I wanted to help Jeff "why would you do that" Liu was mad too, I yanked my arm off of Toby's hand and ran to Jeff "JEFF!" His nose was bleeding "he was touching a innocent girl. He needed punishment" it was my ex "what?" I was confused and still in a little pain for Jeff "you didn't care then! Why now!?" Liu looked at me "who is this guy" "he's-" "her ex" jeff continued "how do you know that" "I just know he is" my ex was a beautiful guy he probably was just sad about what happened "shut up Pedophile"

I sighed "it not like I would've raped her! I was just trying to see if Toby cared that much!!" Wait what? Wait school "AAH SCHOOL WERE MISSING SCHOOL" jeff was puzzled "shit!" We all ran to school except for my ex ofc when we made it to school everybody was looking at us and talking about us "what's her problem" one person said going on with more and more people talking. it was still early "wow, tough crowed" Jeff kissed my cheek and went to the nurse. I blushed hard. Toby was looking down at his feet in sadness 

"what's wrong" he looked at me "I made somebody hurt your crush" he sighed "I'm sorry, I was just protective of you" "it's ok big bro" now he wasn't really a big brother but he was acting like one. After school, me and Jeff walked home he was coming to our house to meet my mom and... dad "so Is your dad nice?" "Defind nice" I mumbled "what do you mean" I sighed "he beats me and Toby almost everyday and he makes mom do work around the house. He just sits on the couch and he doesn't stop drinking and smoking. He said when I turn 18 I can't leave the house" "that's messed up" Jeff looked away he looked back at me and his face was light pink I guess he was angry he even had his hands clutched. 

I walked over and pated him on the back "hey. no need to be mad, I'm fine now" he released his hands and sighed "ok. I don't like people hurting my loved ones" "l-loved ones?" I blushed he walked up to me and pushed his lips on mine. My eyes widened he had enough time to put his tongue in my mouth I felt like I moaned. He let go and smiled "well aren't you cute" "wha- AH I DIDNT mean to do that s-sorry" "that's just adorable" he bopped my nose. I blushed a little. 

"w-whatever I-I'll hit you!" He smirked "I'd like to see you try" I gave up and continued walking and he'd follow me "you know you don't need to think I don't know you get raped" my eyes widened "wha- what are you talking about" we made it to the house he pulled me in and ran straight to Toby's room "what are you doing?" He closed the door and ripped my shirt "what the hell!?" He saw bruises and hickys He stood there silent. 

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