Close to party day

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A/n your out fit is up top

"Jeff! I got a outfit for me and Toby!" I walked in and saw him with the same hoodie he wore when we first met "well did you find anything fancy?" Jeff walked towards me "this hoodie is all I need to be fancy...and because there's nothing else I can wear" I frowned "do you want me to go back to the store I can get you some I have enough..." Jeff kissed my forehead "it's fine, I can wear this. this is special enough" I blushed "so what are you guys wearing" "you have to wait Jeff" I looked at Toby side ways "until the big event" I sighed "well ok then, you must look beautiful if I have to wait."Toby laughed and looked at me looking at a murderer Jeff noticed "my friend is poly" he tilted his head side ways and looked at the phone "who are they" i looked at Jeff "a murderer" Jeff's eyes widened "that's who I see in the mirror beside me every night " I raised a brow "beside you?" He nodded we went to the bathroom to check and see if he was dreaming nobody was beside him "I have to regret something do I" He nodded again I looked down and thought of a lot things I regretted Toby walked in sad we looked at the mirror and saw three killers all were in the phone Toby's looked like the costume we had. he has a mouth-mask on with goggles he took his mask off and he had a gash on the side of his mouth, mines had her hands on my shoulders I felt her hands to she had white gloves on with blood on it she smiled and looked at Jeff or the person behind him I looked at Jeff through the mirror. We were not scared at all. some how we knew there names "nice to meet you future me" I wanted to turn around but she would probably be gone I wanted to ask about Jeff "u-um are me and Jeff..." she smiled she lifted her hand and I saw her ring I blushed "yes child you guys are married" I couldn't believe it. I blushed a little and kissed Jeff then turned around they didn't move they were just standing there. she was staring down at me. I gathered up the courage to scream. Both Jeff and Toby looked at me. we were teleported to a dark room, it was blank until a tall man showed up "a tree?" I snickered at Jeff's humor. Toby chuckled a bit too, Jeff smiled and walked up to me holding my hip "so we get married, huh?" I blushed madly "y-yah..." trying to make him let me go, I push his chest a little. He didn't let go "u-uhh let go of me?" He chuckled "heh nah I like this position makes me warm, ya know?" I blushed more "ok ok! Fine you can stay like this for a little bit." He smiled and kissed me lightly. We walked to the living room and Toby was sleeping on liu "aww" Jeff looked a little overprotective at first but then "that's cute" he said it under his breath tho 

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