Chapter 2

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Prince Christian of Rothsby was not amused. In fact, he found very little, if anything, of his current predicament to be funny.

He was currently in his father's study, specifically on the receiving end of a lecture on how his behavior was unbecoming for a royal prince.

How was he supposed to know that debutantes have fragile sensibilities? Oh wait, his tutor had told him, but he did not care in the least bit.

One might ask, why? Well, besides the fact that he was only 24 and everyone was trying to marry him off was certainly not helping the situation. Also, he simply did not want to settle down just yet.

"Christian. Are you even paying attention to a word of what I've said? Christian!" Looking up at his father's eyes, the young prince found a glare awaiting him.

"Yes Father?" Trying his best to sound as if nothing was amiss, he responded.

"Oh for God's sake, what am I to do with you? Your mother is worried that you don't want to marry and that you're scaring off your potential bride." Pinching the bridge of his nose, the King simply sighed and leaned back further into his chair.

"Father, I have no interest in marrying right now. Surely, there are far more important issues at hand and how I can be of service." Knowing that the King valued the dedication of his sons, Prince Christian hoped that this would redirect the conversation and allow him to walk away from any potential betrothals.

"Hmmm, now that you mention it, I believe there is a matter with which you can help. It is concerning the treaty and alliance with Eastumbria. The Eastumbrian King seems somewhat reluctant to agree with the terms, despite it being equally favorable to both our kingdoms. Perhaps you would be willing to lend your silver tongue to stave off any concerns King Ferdinand might have..." Before the Rothsbian King had a chance to finish, Prince Christian was already standing and looking down at the map that sat on the desk.

"When am I to leave? Surely, a matter such as this is best if resolved promptly, correct?" Finishing his words, the young prince knew he sported a smirk on his face, but hoped his father would see past it and allow him to leave as soon as possible.

"You have my permission to leave as soon as necessary. If nothing requires your presence, then very well. You may go to Eastumbria." Shaking his head in amusement, but also slight disappointment, the King simply looked at his son for any sign of indecision, but saw none. Prince Christian left shortly after and with this, the King picked his quill up and proceeded to write a very interesting letter to King Ferdinand.


Prince Christian knew he had gotten away with the scheming of his father and mother, and knew his attempts to continue to do so would only grow weaker by the day. All he wanted to delay the inevitable and until that day came, he was going to enjoy his time as a bachelor.


"Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Sophia of Eastumbria!" The royal herald had just announced her and only God knew how she was not looking forward a single bit to this wretched ball. Only her father would be astute enough to tell her that she had to marry, but announce it on the very day of her birthday. Even worse, she had no idea when his plans to find her suitors would commence, at least she had time to prepare for that.

Getting up from her chair, she took a deep breath and then the double doors leading to the ballroom were opened. She proceeded to walk down the stairs, taking just the right amount of time to walk down each individual step, as to not possibly misstep and then tumble down. She made it to the bottom, where all the guests were waiting and she was approached by her lovely friend, Lord Westerly.

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