Chapter 4

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To say that the night had been interesting was quite an understatement. She had gone into the gardens to simply get some air and hopefully avoid the gaggle of people in the ballroom. Never had she thought that someone had noticed her as she slipped out.

That wasn't to say that she had hated dancing with the young man. On the contrary, she had quite enjoyed being twirled around in the handsome man's arms. She kept recalling his blue-greyish eyes and wondered if she would ever see him again in the distant future.

Truth be told, she imagined that she might never see him again, as she hadn't before that night, but there was something alluring about the way he had conducted himself around her.

He didn't know she was the Crown Princess, so she knew the man wasn't trying to simply gain her favor to try to get to her father. He had simply enjoyed his time by dancing and talking with her and she couldn't help, but think that perhaps in another lifetime, he was everything she could have imagined as a suitor vying for hand.

Even now, he would have been an acceptable candidate, had she chosen to marry then and there. He might only have been a lord, and some might have thought him unfit to court a future queen, but surely, there were worse things to be than mere nobility.

Although their meeting had gotten off to an odd beginning, she was glad she had been able to spend the evening alongside who also seemed to enjoy his time with her. It was clear that a good night's sleep would come quite easily for the young princess for once in a very long time.

Sadly, once morning had arrived, Sophia had been awakened quite rudely by her maid. She apologized for the lack of manners, but simply mentioned that her father, King Ferdinand wished to speak with her prior to breakfast regarding an important matter.

Seeing no way to delay her arrival downstairs, Sophia simply allowed for her maid to help her get ready. Upon looking somewhat presentable, she simply left her chambers and headed to her father's study.

Whatever could he now want? She had agreed to look for a husband, and now he had summoned her before she have even had a chance to eat some breakfast. What was next? Did he perhaps want her to be with child before the end of year as well?

Opting to not knock and simply get this over with, she stepped into her father's study, where she was met with a shocking surprise.

Rather than seeing her father's gentle brown eyes, she saw the same blue ones with grey she had seen the previous night at the ball.

It was clear that the man was surprised as well, given his eyes went slightly wide upon looking at her.

"May I present my daughter, the Crown Princess of Eastumbria, Princess Sophia." A loud, but gentle voice behind Lord Stirling spoke. It had been King Ferdinand who had decided to introduce his daughter to the young noble.

"- ah yes. A pleasure to meet you, Your Royal Highness." Something unreadable passed in Lord Stirling's eyes, but she knew from the slight change in the man's voice that he was not only surprised, but perhaps even somewhat upset.

This was exactly what she didn't want to happen. Last evening, she had been Lady Hamilton, a mere high-born woman. Today, she was back to being the Crown Princess, where everyone wanted to curry favor with an heiress.

"Sophia, dear, this is Prince Christian of Rothsby, our guest from abroad." Her father simply flashed her a small smile and nodded towards the young man, prompting her to greet the royal back.

Ah, so he was a prince. Well clearly, he, too, had been lying to her about his identity. Surely he could not be mad at the small lie she told, especially as he had done just the same with her.

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