Meeting the boss

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Today it's been pretty slow, nothings really been happening today pretty much just doing work and chilling out. Me and the girls plus Reggie are all on the couch watching t.v (we all live in a big house together) when we get all call from our boss. Mike, he gives us our missions. Mike tell us we have a someone to take out. Bryce hall. I heard of him. He is an asshole and everybody was excited to hear about this one. So we got up and got ready.


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We took 2 carsMe, Kat, Tara and devyn (car 1)

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We took 2 cars
Me, Kat, Tara and devyn (car 1).
Reggie and xepher (car 2).
We showed up to an ally where mike told Bryce to go. He thinks he's buying drugs well in reality we're gonna show up. We are around the corner where Reggie and xepher are staying just in case something happens and me, Kat, Tara and devyn go into the ally. We park the car and walk in to the ally, just as we thought, Bryce was standing right there.
He has a shocked look but comes up to us anyway, I smile, "your the seller?" He said kinda confused. "What you think cause I'm a girl I don't sell?" He just shook his head. He looked down to count his cash. "Hey Bryce." I said he looked up and I took the chance I shot him in the forehead. we smile and walk back to the car but just before we got in... "Harley quinn". I stoped dead where I stood whiped out my gun and pointed it to where the voice was coming from. There were 4 guys standing there. They all had masks on so I didn't know who they were. I just stood there for a minute, no one said anything, that's when
Reggie and xepher came around the corner " oh my fucking god really jake, why are u guys here" Reggie said annoyed. "Oh for fucks sake" I said I put my gun back down. "Reggie just go home your a waste of fucking space" Jake said. "Aye watch who the fuck your talking to" I said, I hated when people disrespected my family. "What did u say bitch" Jake said stepping forward. We stand face to face, I smile and step one step forward and look up to him to look him in the eye "trust me I'm not scared to shoot I right here" I said as I tapped my gun in the middle of his head, "your hot goddamn" Jake said smiling. "AYE, jake get tf over here" the one in the middle said. Jake was the only one with his mask off so I didn't know who was who. When Jake walked over there they all just stood there. After a minute the one in the middle looked around at the guys and nodded, and with that they all took off there masks. I didn't even notice but I was staring at Colby for what felt like forever. Until Kat walked up and tapped my shoulder, I jumped and looked at her and she just had the look on her face, I looked back over to the guys and Colby was just standing there smiling looking at me, I was so embarrassed I started to walk away I snapped my fingers and the girls followed to my red jeep. We got in. "See you soon quinn" Colby said from the drivers side window where I was sitting. I jumped, how did he get to my window so fast. "What do u want joker" I said. "Nothing pretty girl" he said pushing my hair behind my ear. I looked down and then at him again "I gotta go.." I said in kind of a wisper. He backed away and I drove off..

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