Last Day Of High School

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June 25th, 2021

A group of four students were sitting in the quiet choir room, chatting peacefully. This would be the last time that they would be able to do this at school, or possibly forever. Out of the four, three of them had just graduated and were going to see where life was going to take them. The one other still had one year left of high school and would be alone without them. I guess that's just how life goes on. Well, It seems to be true because it always seems to happen.

These 4 students were actually friends who decided to go and hang out with each other for the last time in the beloved choir room that they would go to every day, with or without having to do rehearsals. It seemed that even though it was the last day and three of them won't be returning, it almost seemed that they would come back next year. But of course, that would never be able to happen. With what was left of the day, they signed each other's yearbooks and laughed about the good times.

That was until they started talking about their futures.

"Any plans for the summer?" Piper asked Luna who was sitting next to her at the small table.

Piper has been Luna's best friend since grade two and the two have been inseparable since the beginning. Some people even go as far as saying that they are sisters from different parents. Piper has brown eyes and short brown hair that has been dyed Sapphire blue.

"No, I don't have any. Piper, do you?" Luna asked as she looked up from her yearbook.

"The only thing I have during the summer is work. Tyler, do you have any?" Piper asked as she looked across the table to meet Tyler's eyes.

Tyler is another one of Luna's friends that Piper and her met at the beginning of high school. Tyler is an extremely smart kid with brown hair and brown eyes. One time he came to school with a bowl cut and the two girls always teased him about it since.

"Nope, Sara do you have any?" Tyler spoke as he turned to face Sara who was on her phone.

Sara is the youngest of the group since she is a year behind the three. She has long curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She didn't officially join the friend group until the beginning of that year however, since then they couldn't have wished for a better friend in the group.

"No I don't have anything planned either," Sara replied as everyone turned to face each other.

"Well then, does anyone want to go to Riverview then?" Luna asked as everyone laughed at her comment.

"You might have to put me in Riverview after today after all," Piper joked as she leaned back in her chair.

Riverview is a mental asylum that closed down years ago. It is about a 15-minute walk from where Luna lives. Ever since middle school, Luna and Piper have always said that they would go to Riverview if they went crazy. It didn't help that in the 7th grade, they did a film project about it with two other friends.

"Okay, anyone want to talk about anything else after what just happened?" Luna asked as she rested her hands on the table.

"How about we talk about how fun it was to be in a high school choir for the past four years?" Tyler suggested as everyone quickly agreed at the suggestion.

The group of four ended up talking about their choir adventures for 30 minutes before Luna changed the topic.

"Piper, do you remember when you said that you would be the stripper and I would be the bartender at the strip club?" Luna asked Piper while laughing.

"Yes, I do remember. Oh my god, we should start a strip bar!" Piper exclaimed as she jumped out of her seat from the memories of many past conversations that had involved this idea.

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