Chapter six

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~Fun before Freddy's~

Chapter six


"Lets get straight to the point, shall we?"


Few hours has passed by, they were rarely apart. They were so tired, and hungry, they barely managed to keep warm.

"Daniel, I'm hungryyyyy..." Chloe said, stretching the y.

"U-um... I guess we'll get food when we're out of here..." Daniel said, chuckling a little.

"Fiiine." She said while making a pouty expression. Her stomach rumbled but she managed to brush it off.

"Are you hungry?" A voice in her head asked her. It was the same one that controlled her too.

"Yes." She said in her thoughts.

"Then why not go with the robots? They make very nice food..."

"C-Chloe? Is there something wrong?"

"Mmmm...." She mumbled, her eyes very low. She must've been tired and hungry. Poor girl.

"Cmon! Just a few steps and you'll be so happy!" The voice said, irritated.

"N-no thank you."

"Ugh, fine! Ill try something out."


"....." She didn't say anything. She was hallucinating. There was dark gas around her, and Daniel was gone.

A blasting pain then shot up her body, up to her spine, then to her head. It hurt very much.

"If you don't want to be with the animatronics, with us, with your dear friend, then this is what you'll get!"

She then fell to the ground, clutching her head. So this is what happens when you don't get your daily needs. Or when someone possesses your body ay a pizzeria. After all, it has been hours since they were there. It was probably 11 am already.


That was all she heard, until she saw nothing.


"Chloe!" Daniel shouted as she collapsed on the ground, was she ok? She has been acting rather strange lately...

"Shes just tired..." He muttered in disbelief, putting his coat around her. She was rather cold.

He adjusted her head on his lap, making her comfortable. She was whimpering a little, it was sad that he couldn't help her.

He'll have to wait.


Minutes passed by, and she wasn't up yet.

Maybe he should go walk around by himself, to take his mind of things.

He got up and looked at Chloe for a few seconds, then made his way around the hallway. Surely she will be alright.

He passed a few hallways, most are familiar to him because of the incident that happened with Chloe.

He looked around and saw curtains and an "out of order" sign. He knew who was in there. But surely, it was to damaged to attack. He peeked inside the curtains. What he saw probably made him scared, as he took a step back.

Foxy jumped out of the curtains, damaging it while doing so. Luckily, Daniel dodged it and made his way to the other hallway, tripping a few times. The animatronic soon ran after.

He had to get away from it. He had to go back to Chloe.

But if he made his way back, then Chloe would be damaged too, right? It was hard for him to think, while running for his life.

It jumped again, targeting the poor kid. The outcome was a bleeding shoulder, and a limp leg, but he was still running. He looked horrible, he felt his heart beating fast.

It took another leap, but he was successful to dodge it, he kept on running. He felt tears on his cheeks. He was terrified, but determined enough to find a way to make it back to Chloe.

What he saw at the end of the hallway was more terrifying than the animatronics, though.

A dead end.

He couldn't move anymore. This was the end for him. He was facing the wall of where his blood will stain. He was crying. He couldn't make it back for her.

He had failed.

He heard fast footsteps coming his way.


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