Chapter seven

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~Fun before Freddy's~

Chapter seven


Where was she? It looked like she was outside of the diner, though she wasn't sure. Maybe it was just a dream, and Brice might be ok, or maybe this was a dream. She wasn't sure.

She then saw two kids, playing around. One looked about the age of six, one, ten.

"Ugh, mom is so sloooow!" The young one said.

"Relax, Frankie!" Frankie? That must be the little girl's name.

"How about we play a game to past the time?"

"Lets play hide and seek!" While they were talking, their voices sound much like an echo, like they were in a cave.

"Alright, but don't hide too far!" He said with a smile, she ran to her hiding spot, which was scary, since its already evening and they might not find each other in this condition.

It seemed like it fast forward, because he already found her, laughing. It was joyful, seeing them happy like that.

"What are you two kids doing here?" Then the two tensed up and looked at the guard. They looked scared, thinking that they would be in trouble.

"Don't worry, i can lead you to your mom, and you both can go home. Just follow me, aight?" The guard said. They both nodded, and went with him.

It fast forward again, now inside the diner. The two being confused, and the guard ran off to the employees room, saying that a special friend was going to meet them while their mom was coming.

Then, an animatronic came from the stage, it looked like a bear, but the skin was.... Yellow- No, gold.

"Hey kids! My name is Golden Freddy!" This isn't an animatronic, there are no wires at the feet, or arms. It was a suit. The two were tricked though.

"How about we go in the back room? The gang is there, and cake too!" What was he doing?

The two excitedly nodded, going in the back room. He was right, the other animatronics were there, but there wasn't any cake. And when they turned to look at the golden one, it wasn't moving anymore. It was limp. They both tensed up, feeling there was another person in the room. And they were right, the guard swinging a kitchen knife at them. Luckily, the video ended without her seeing bloodshed.

"Now you know." Someone suddenly whispered. She sounded awfully like the girl in this dream too.

"You can wake up now. See the surprise I made while you were asleep." And with that, a source of light came to her eyes.

She was back to reality, wether she liked it or not.


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