Untold Stories

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Aiydenn ||POV||

"Okay class our Spring show is in March! I will give out more information about the show in the next couple of days!"

I was packing my stuff getting ready to leave choir class and head to lunch.

"Aiydenn?" I heard someone call out.

I turned quickly only to see, Isaac.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag trying to ignore him.

"Where'd you think your going!?" He semi yelled grabbing my arm.

"Let. Go." I stated plainly.

He smiled and I frowned at him. Before I knew it he pulled a gun on me....

My heart stopped and I looked straight at the gun. His grip tightened.

"Listen, and listen closely... Were gonna go on a small trip? Ok. And if you scream, I'll kill you and everyone else in my way. I'm taking what's mine. Your mine."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded understanding. He slid the gun back in his jeans and put his arm around me.

"Act normal." He whispered.

We were walking down the empty halls and Jillian came up to us.

"Make sure you tell Jamin I got her and text me when schools over. Got it?" He spoke harshly.

She nodded and we walked right out the front entrance.

I was blindfolded the entire drive there. My hands were tied in front of me and say in the back seat lying on my back. Very uncomfortable.


I was yanked up out of the car and pushed to wherever he was taking me.

The room smelt of strong liquor and tobacco. I scrunched up my face in disgust. He then threw me down roughly.

"Now." He removed my blind fold and snatched my face to meet his. "Home sweet home."

"I wanna go home!" I yelled silently crying.

"But, you are love.." he smiled again and I yelled causing him to slap me and I became quiet.

"Good." Was all he said before leaving the dark room.


Jaden ||POV||

"She hasn't been answering your calls?" Aaron asked once again.

I nodded and he tensed up looking down at the floor.

"Has any of her friends heard from her?"

I shook my head only to get the same reaction.

"Well..." I began.

"What?" He stated looking confused.

"This girl Jillian said something... She said Isaac? I don't know this kid bu-"

"I think I know who..." I gave him a hopeful look and he nodded.

"That's Jamins brother..." My jaw dropped because I feel like this is my fault they could be interrogating my baby.

"Do you think he took her?" I asked.

"Ion know... He had this huge crush on her since they were younger.." I tensed up when he said that. "Relax. She didn't like him. At all." He laughed at my uneasiness.

"Cant we tell your dad so he can track her down?" I asked. He shook his head.

"My dad would flip, but maybe I can find her? Let's go to the station to see?"

We got in my car and we drove to the police station. We snuck in his dad's office or cubicle and he did the work.

Aaron's ||POV||

I logged on the cumputer and put in her phone number. She always has her phone on her so we could possibly get a location.

"What are you doing?" I snapped around to see.. Pops.

Aidyenn ||POV||

"How you feelin'?" Isaac sat next to me stroking my hair.

I cringed while he touched my hair. A few years escaped and I snatched my face away.

"Jamin will be here very soon, love." He kissed my forehead leaving the room once again.

I finally breathed but still having tape glued to my mouth and my hands tied in front of me.

I closed my eyes hoping it was all a dream.

_______Dream mode_______

"Hija!" I heard my mom call for me downstairs.

"Coming mama!" I ran down the steps and leaped in her arms.

I was 6 and the happiest girl ever my brother Aaron was 8.

"You want to play at the park?" She ask me sitting me down.

"YES!" I screamed exceedingly and jumped up and down.

I slipped in my bright blue and purple converse and we walked to the park.

"MOMMY! MOMMY! Look at me!"

"Awe, Mi Amor!" She cooed as I ran around.

"Mamá nunca te dejará , amo a mi hermosa hija.." She spoke softly as we played all day until dark..

Translation:: Mommy will never leave my beautiful daughter.

______________Dream node over__________

"Wake up, bitch!"

I felt ice cold water being splashed on my interrupting my sleep.

I jumped up trying to scream but no sound came out. I looked up and seen Jamin standing over me like some queen. Her smile widen as glances at me.

I rolled my eyes and earned a slap from Isaac. Jamin nodded in approval.

"Where is Jaden when you need him?"

Jaden ||POV||

I jumped back and watched as Mr. Thompson glarred at Aaron and I.

"Dad!" Aaron stood up looking terrified.

"Son, what are you doing here... In my office?" He asked calmly.

"Umm... SHE'S-"

"He lost my phone!" I cut Aaron off as Mr. Thompson turned and faced me.

I gulped harshly and he looked at me. Trying to find something.

"Is that true?" He asked.

"Yes sir. I'll do it really quick and leave." He went along with the plan.

"Okay. But hurry up! I can get fired for this." He stated harshly.

Aaron finished typing in the number and a circle appeared on the map.

"Does is say where?"

"No. It gives a approximation of the users phone. Probably.... A 15 mile radius of the exact location." Aaron kept his eyes in the computer.

Hopefully he can at least get a street name of where she could be.

"I printed off some stuff for us to go look for her. Aaron logged off and jogged to the printer and we left as quietly as we came in....

Updated!! Yay sooo how'd I do I tried to make it interesting.

Oh I mite update more often depends on the schedule. Buutttt hopefully you liked and commented.

**sorry for errors***
This story has been typed on my phone ✊

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