The Secret Dance (Marauders one shot)

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Harry Potter Marauders One Shot

“Evans, Moony, get over here!” A seventh year boy, glasses, black hair shouted from around the fire. He sat with a mischievous smile, while the other laughed, the other having slightly longer black hair, which went well with his leather jacket.

Waiting for those that they called, James and Sirius looked down at the piece of parchment, which had scribbles and splotches of ink on it, held down by a crimson ink pot.

From the stairs of the seventh year boys dormitory, a boy, brown hair, scars engraved into his once innocent face, which was now worn. And she followed. Head girl, a red head, strong and independent, stern look on her face.

“What have you two done now?” Lily said, trying to make out what was actually drawn on the parchment.
“You might want to sit first... where is Wormtail?” Sirius was right, right in both of the things he said. A seat would may have been needed but more importantly the squat boy, the one who followed them round, where was he?

“I’m sure he went to the library or something. But he wasn’t in the boys dormitory, so probably the library or talking to Mcgonagall.” Lily’s voice answered, soft yet so mature sounding with intelligence.

“Well we don’t have much time. I’d like to go forth with this next week, preferably at night.”

That face said it all, the slightly squinted eyes showed his concentration, his ambition. And this was it, they all looked toward James to hear this mighty plan.

“Let’s throw a dance party for Mcgonagall.”

And they were the words that came out of his mouth.
It’s an understatement to say that was unexpected.

“Okay, so I know that’s not what you guys expected, but imagine, a dance party, we’ll all have fun.”
“Prongs, have you even checked she’s free?” Remus questioned, biting into a piece of today’s chocolate bar.

“Padfoot found out she is. Besides, it’s the second to last day before we leave. We can’t just leave her.”

At this point two more students walk through the portrait into the Gryffindor common room.

“What are you guys scheming?”
“Well thanks for the hi, and for your information, we’re not scheming. What have you two been doing?”
The blonde haired girl looked towards Lily, while the other twirled a piece of her hair around her finger.

“They’re actually not scheming for once.”
“Wait, then we want to get involved, well I do anyway, Marlene?”
“I want to get involved as well actually. Everyone can use the help of Dorlene.”

“Okay okay, we’re going to throw a dance party for Mcgonagall the day before we’re meant to leave.”
“Oh, then we’re so getting involved. Thanks Sirius, now move up, let us sit here.” Marlene and Dorcas take up the space between Lily and Sirius.

“We haven’t got long to get everything though. We’re going to have to rely a lot on the elves.” The boys looked at Lily with a shock.
“Okay, Wait a second. Me getting involved without being suspicious is slightly surprising, but you, oh guys. This year, this year has been pulling out all the stops, first saying yes to James and now accepting to play a part in this?” Moony says, laughing slightly.

“My dear Moony, I am as surprised as you are. But I guess my charm had to finally work on her. Oh Lily Evans, how I do love you.” James said with a sarcastic tinge in his voice.
The group laughed. This was a common act that James played, obviously as a joke. He admired Lily a lot, and Lily enjoyed this dynamic and act they have.

“Oh yes, your charm definitely played a big part in my confessing my everlasting love for you. Oh, how I love you James Potter.” Lily replied in the same tone.

At this point, Sirius and Remus whispered, in sync with one another.
“And oh how I love you, Moony.”
“And oh how I love you, Padfoot.”

“Okay, okay, right back to business.” An almost shocking change of tone to a much more serious one, but nobody was phased. It was common.
“So this is the plan...”
They all sat there, each had a role, and their role chosen to suit them.
James and Sirius- in charge of getting Mcgonnall to the party.
Lily and Remus- In charge of decorations and the venue itself.
Marlene and Dorcas- In charge of refreshments and any other guests.

There was the obvious act of Sirius begging James for him to work with Remus. But eventually it was decided that the roles suited in the original partnering. The more sensible of the group organising the main things, so that the two children could think of the craziest way to get Mcgonagall to the Common room.

The day before it was due to happen, they checked everything. Sirius and James has thought of a way to get her into the common room, Lily and Remus had decorations hidden under their beds, Marlene and Dorcas had arranged it all with the elves, and made sure people weren’t going to ruin their plan. They had even cleared it with the teachers.

That night they all sat there, like they did when the plan had been thought of. They sat there. Lily on James’ lap, as he was buried in the armchair, Sirius almost lying dramatically across Remus’ lap, with his [Sirius’] legs on the arm of the chair while Remus’ hand lay on his lap, Marlene and Dorcas sat squished together in an armchair, holding hands, and then there was Peter, sat in the middle, he helped with a bit of everything, but mainly with Remus and Lily. They all sat there, Jily, Wolfstar, Dorlene and Peter, they all sat there smiling. Anticipating the results of the project tomorrow, their most important project yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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