Talking Bodies (29)

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Author: @tympanic

Author: @tympanic

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Talking Bodies

"I hate you," she reminded him, undoing the buttons of his shirt as fast as she could.

"Good." He unsnapped the hook of her bra, and threw it away. "The feeling is mutual."

Their bodies fucked until they forgot why.


Hate, in all its reality, is just love gone wrong.

Mia Anderson and Theo Sanders would not believe you if you said that. They hate each others guts, and often ensue in prank wars that end either in the hospital or the principal's office.

Cue the ultimate drunken one night stand that changes everything.

Mia and Theo do not think twice before taking the leap, something that was bound to happen with the sizzling chemistry between the two. What they did not
expect is how hard the impact would be when they reached the ground.

Because Theo Sanders is not what he is pretending to be, and Mia Andersorn absolutely hates being lied to.

Heavenly seduction. Hypnotic secrets. Hilarious sarcasm. It's all in here.

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