five- ✨

739 25 4

Author's pov; *

vampire 1; "Three against one, bro, you'll definitely loose."

Kobe; "(smirk) There's no way I'm going to loose."

vampire 1; "Guys, go get the girl."

He smirked and then kicked Kobe in his stomach, causing him to fall back while the two others were trying to grab Vixen.

Kobe and the other vampire were fighting and meanwhile~~

"G-get away from me, you dirty ass vampires!" 

vampire 2; "Aye, I'm not dirty! I took a cold shower today!"

-he said, looking at Vixen in disbelief.

vampire 3; "Same here!"

I think they're both dumb, yeah- she thought.

"Yeah? But have you brushed your teeth? They're yellow!" 

vampire 3; "Really? Do you have a mirror?"

"No, I didn't bring it with me today but you can use the camera on my phone."

vampire 2; "Shut up, my teeth ain't yellow!"
-he yelled.

"Stop with your yelling, I can smell your stink breath from here," Vixen said, fanning in front of her face with her hand.

vampire 2; "Yes. ma'am."


Wild vampires? Really? 

vampire 3; "Wait, I forgot that we have to kill this bitch."

-he said, pointing at me.

They smirked and then both attacked her, grabbing her both arms.

"K-kobe, help me!" she screamed.

Kobe; "LET HER GO!"

-he said, groaning after.

"W-watch out, behind you!" 

Kobe turned and was met with a kick from the first vampire, sending him flying to LA, I think.. But he flew back and kicked the first vampire in his face, causing him to fly back.

Kobe; "Let. Go. Of. Her."
-he said, eyeing the two that was holding Vixen with dark red eyes, and fangs now visible.

vampire 3; "And what if we don't? It's not like you can do anything."

Kobe went to them and quickly punched them, causing them to fly back in California. maybe. 

Kobe; "You."
-he said, pointing towards Vixen.


Kobe; "Now, it's your turn."

He grabbed her neck and began to choked her.

"K-k-- K-kobe," she choked out. 


Kobe seems to be out of control since he's in his vampire form, so it was hard for him to control his own body.

"K-kobe, i-it's m-me," she said, trying to breath.

Kobe; "YOU MUST DIE!" 

He just continued to choke her while she kept trying to gasp for air. 

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