Chapter 8

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There was something about finding out Bill's real identity that was painfully hope reducing for Sans. Maybe it was the realization that he was used, just as he feared in the beginning. Or perhaps it was the simple fact that Sans was safe in a bubble while all of his friends were being hunted like prey.

Sans did a lot over the first day inside of the bubble. He screamed and cried, trying to throw things at Bill, trying to attack him as revenge for the emotional damage. It didn't work. Bill just flicked the items back softly to safety, giving a sorrowful smile as he watched Sans practically explode. He just annoying soothed Sans, offering hugs and reassurances that Bill did love him as Sans pressed on exploding like a child that only needed to be wear themselves out. He was right. After an hour, Sans' voice became hoarse, and he was exhausted from screaming and yelling. Not his best response, and it was the first time Sans became so emotionally damaged like that, but he had a pretty darn good reason.

"So it was real then, huh?" Sans asked.

When Sans had finally given up his pathetic excuse of a tantrum, Bill had settled the skeleton down under the blanket with some warm ketchup and gave him some reassurances. Sans already used all of his bark and bite, so he didn't do much but listen and sometimes reply, asking half empty questions.

"I didn't lie when I didn't have to. I really do like you. That's why you're here, I want to keep you safe from everything that's happening. Everything he did I cared about, all of it... even the sexual parts. I do like those as well."

"Don't remind me." Sans curled his legs against his chest. He didn't want to think about that right now.

"But think of this as a good thing! Like a couples retreat!" Bill lay a hand on one of Sans'. "You said you've always wanted to go off the grid for a bit to work on some machines, and you can do that here. The T.V here has all of the channels in existence, you can read any book you want, and the food here is always good. It's small, but it's nice, isn't it?"

Sans took a small glance around. It was admittedly nice. The bed was the comfiest Sans ever slept in, the eggs and bacon were delicious, and it was decorated pleasingly. If Bill offered this two days ago, he might had accepted.

What a fool Sans has been. His gut feeling warned him. Told him Bill was too perfect. Told him soulmates weren't real.

He should have listened.

A kiss was pressed against Sans' neck, and his body automatically warmed up at feel Bill against him again. Thankfully, Bill didn't lead it further, and drew away.

"I have to go deal with some more things, but I'll be back soon. I promise. Think about it."

Sans thought about it a lot.

Bill did admit that he always intended to get the equation from Sans. So Sans had served his original purpose. Sans was, in theory, no longer useful to Bill. Bill had the entire world, so why bother with Sans?

He really did like Sans, then. Sans wasn't sure if that scared him or not.

All of those things were real. Sans had given himself to a demon, physically and emotionally. He let Bill into his body through several ways, let the dream demon do things to him. Bill became attached, and to be honest, so had Sans.

Sans thought about it more. He watched T.V, tucked into the corner of the couch, letting his thoughts go wild. Papyrus would be alright, he always would be. His brother was a survivor. So was everyone else. Sans would put his faith into them.

But he couldn't trust Bill. That much was clear. Sans tried to get out of the bubble three hours after Bill left, but breaking down the door was useless, and his magic still was gone, empty of use. There was no choice to wait, so he did.

He's faking it, Sans. (Undertale x Gravity Falls Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now