Attempt to Treaty

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I woke up around 8AM. I walked out of my dorm after changing into my uniform and I went to the kitchen.

I saw Kurro, Saito, Kanon and Toshiaki in a table, sitting quietly. The whole kitchen is filled with awkwardness and silence.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted.

Everyone looked at me as I walked silently.

"Great. You're here." Kurro said.

I sat on the seat next to him. Everyone is so serious, there's not a hint of goofiness in sight.

"Alright. Let's begin!" Kanon suggested.

We decided to talk about the current crisis regarding Luna's whereabouts and a potential murder.

"If Moose dies, at least we know that Luna is the one that killed him. It shouldn't be a problem." Saito said.

"It won't be a problem identifying the culprit but let's not talk about someone dying as if it was a joke." Kurro said.

"What we need to do is to safeguard Moose. We also need to watch on Ralf but I think Paris is capable of doing that." I said.

"What matters now is we find Luna. We checked every corner of the facilities but she's nowhere to be found." Kanon said.

"What if she was behind all this? It's possible that she has some access to other facilities so she can hide there." Toshiaki said.

"That is indeed a possibility." Kurro said.

Luna being a potential mastermind is not far from reality. With all this happenings, special motive, an unclear past, unknown whereabouts, it's the only thing I can think of.

"For now, let's make sure that Moose is safe." Kurro said.

Saito and Toshiaki left the kitchen after the short meeting.

"Ahhhhh finally! It's finished." Kanon sighed.

"I need to make some breakfast for now. What do you guys want?" Kurro asked.

"I'd love to get some bowl of ramen sweetie!" I exclaimed.

"I'll have the same." Kanon exclaimed.

With the three of us on the same table, we all indulged the mouthwatering bowl of noodles Kurro prepared for us.

We shared our thoughts as we slurped the rich broth Kurro prepared.

Danganronpa 101 LAWS of TURMOiL Case 04: Wrath and Cries of a Grieving MoonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin