Untangling the Mines

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"So, as we were saying, we should perhaps discuss a different factor. Sweetie, what else did you find suspicious?" Kurro asked me.

"There's this thing that has been bothering me for a while now. Underneath Luna's corpse, there's some sort of tarp. I think it's connected to the murder." I suggested.

"I think, Luna wasn't killed on her room." Paris said.

"I agree." Kanon said.

"Wait guys. I think I have an interesting thought." Paris responded.

"Can you guys hurry solving this? I'm afraid that we might run out of time." Saito said.

"If only Ralf will tell us everything..." Toshiaki mumbled.

Ralf remained silent in his podium, looking as if he was merely observing everything.

"Can I continue now?" Paris asked.

Everyone nodded following Paris' question.

"I think Luna was originally killed on my room, which is formerly known as Moose's room. Am I right?" Paris asked.

"That's not a bad theory. I personally don't think of it as impossible..." Kurro mumbled.

I noticed that Ralf was smirking on his area, looking so suspicious. Due to hesitation, I panicked and spitted out words without thinking through.

"Are we sure about that though? We're not sure whether Ralf is telling the truth." I asked.

"It's not like we got any leads aside from that..." Kanon sulked.

"I agree, but I don't know. Everything just sounds so fishy right now." I responded.

Toshiaki agreed with me as well.

"But we've got no progression aside from that. Are you willing to abandon everything we've theorized so far?" Paris asked.

"It's not that. I just think everything looks too much. I don't think it's right." I defended.

"Look Sweetie. We don't have anything else to hold on aside from this. It's a gamble but I believe that our path will lead us to the right answer." Kurro said.

"I'm not sure sweetie. I don't think it's going right as of now. None of those things are even connected to the motive." I answered.

"We'll get to that soon sweetie. For now, just take it easy. Every puzzle piece will eventually find its place." He added.

"I hope so." I answered.

Everyone aside from Toshiaki and me seem to agree that it was the right path to get the answer. However, I still don't think it's right. It's just a hunch but it's making me feel really unwell.

I decided to ask the others a question, in an attempt to calm my mind from all this thinking.

"So... How is everything connected to the motive?" I asked.

"At the moment we're not sure." Paris said.

"I think I get it!" Kurro answered.

"I think Luna was the one who used sleeping gas in the vents last night. I think she was planning to kill Moose but her plan failed and someone else killed her." he added.

"Based on your analysis, I believe that we have two suspects." Saito said.

"Getting a bit relevant in the trial aren't we?" Ralf said.

"Whatever. So I think the only possible killers are no other than Ralf and Moose." Saito said.

"I agree with that." Kanon exclaimed.

Danganronpa 101 LAWS of TURMOiL Case 04: Wrath and Cries of a Grieving MoonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora