The forty-third chapter

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(I wrote this the same day I published the last chapter so if it sounds weird then that might be why... Also! Jealousy warning! Hahadsjbfjhasbhafkdsewvhf...)

(Ummmm... I'm so weird in the middle of the night. I promised myself to not change anything though so... Umm... Here you go? *Cough* Ummm... I'm too tired to finish this so I will do it tomorrow... It's not related to the chapter... But I thought it would be cool... It's going to be finished tomorrow!)


Y/N pov. (There is gonna be more of Y/N's pov in the future!)

This situation was weird and the angel seemed to stand there for a moment looking worried at the boy. Is he the guy that Alex talked about earlier that made him know so much about Brutus? I think he might be...

I can't really question him though so I don't... I could probably just ask Alex when he pulls his facade up again though. I know it sounds weird out loud but that is the truth... I don't think that boy is ever gonna tear that facade down completely...

Alex seems to have wiped all his... Makeup on the taller male who was basically bending his knees to get on the smaller boy's level... It would be funny if this wasn't so serious. 

The strange markings on the boy didn't seem to do a lot but they clearly weren't there before and it made me slightly worried... What even are those? 

It could be bruising but it's really black in some places and I don't think that bruising can be that dark... His eyes are just as red as they have always been. I wonder how tired he is?

He laughs a bit and walks back making Garcello have the place to finally stand up straight. When he does the knees almost make a cracking sound and the boyfriend beeps in terror. Alex then laughs loudly at the little boy's scared voice.

"You sound like a girl!" He tells the boy making me feel strange about the situation... I don't know if I should laugh or crawl into a ball and cry... 

Garcello is still really off and I don't like the fact that he seems to be staring at Alex so much... It's not a normal stare eighter, it could scare a grown man... When Alex looked over at him his stare stopped and he instead made a nice smile.

This didn't help my worry though and it only made me feel slightly worse... Did the lack of cigarettes really get him this badly... Eighter that or he is possessed as I have been before... But I've never seen him possessed before...

"Y/N?" Garcello was right in front of me making me scream slightly from the fear I just had of him! Oh no... He stares at me in that creepy way and I can feel my body shake slightly...

Where is the love? Where is the affection? What happened to Garcello? What... What happened to my Garcello?...

"I'm alright just deep in thought... Maybe you should take a cigarette Gar..." I tell him nervously chuckling in the end trying to make this as normal as possible... There is nothing normal about this!!!

"No... Not yet... We need to focus on the task first..." He says turning around not really caring. He sounds like a totally different person... I don't know if I want to be here anymore...

He sounded like he missed being without cigarettes and it makes me slightly uncomfortable because it shows how different this person really is... Is this even Garcello? Is this the real Garcello?

Maybe he has just lied to me all this time and covered up this act he is keeping... It seems like I am really good at finding those kinds of people...

"Let's just go..." He tells us and moving to the part that we found the dark store in. We left the candles and the pen there but nothing of worth was left so it was fine. 

I can hear a faint goodbye from Alex in the background and then the voice of the angel bidding farewell back. They seem to know each other really well then... 

Garcello is walking in the front along with the Girlfriend and her boyfriend beside him. I'm right beside Alex in the back who is holding a book and reading it through looking like nothing happened before...

This is what I thought he would do before... He is good at faking his happiness. It's strange how I know this but it was easy the first few times to realize that he covers up until he can't keep it anymore... 

"Hm? Y/N? You are staring again..." I hear Alex tell me and I quickly apologize making him chuckle a little bit. It's kinda annoying that he does that like it's funny... But... I guess I understand why it's funny too...

"Sorry, you are just so interesting... I have never seen anyone like you before and there are so many questions that I just don't know how to ask..." I tell him and I feel something soft hit me. It makes me stop and I realize that it's Garcello's jacket...

"Huh? Sorry, Garcello..." I tell him rubbing the back of my neck and I can only hear him chuckle a bit... I... He sounds so different... I'm kinda scared...

"Garcello? Are you doing alright man?" Alex seems to sense something is wrong with Garcello as well... Garcello just starts to laugh louder and longer with a really low voice... It's creeping me out...

"Oh... There is something with you and your voice... It's taunting me, Alex!" Right as he says his name he turns around and his eyes are glowing green... They have never been this green before... 

"G...Garcello..." Alex seems to have a hard time processing what is happening and so do I... I can't move... I can't do anything... 

Alex tries to back up but hits a dead end when he is being pushed by Garcello into the wall... Alex seems to try and say something but he stutters and seems to be unable to do it... 

Something is eighter possessing Garcello or... It's the cigarettes... I start to walk forward but realize that Alex is reaching into Garcello's pockets... I hope he will make it...

He seems to be failing every time because his body is too far away to reach... He is gonna have to reach forward more before Garcello gets to his face! Shit! ShitShitShitShitShit-

He made it really fast by kissing the underside of his jaw... It made me clench my jaw that's for sure but... I know he had to distract him somehow... How long will I be able to keep this up?... I don't want to cry already...



(Sorry for the weirdness in this chapter my angels! I'm so weird when it's in the middle of the night... I just wanted to try something new again. Even though this was really well connected it wasn't really planned to be like this so... I think I just caused a slight bit of problem for myself... -w- Have a good day reading my monolouge to myself at 00.00 in the night...)

(Aha! I wrote this in the middle of the night I'm so fucking good at this shit! I feel like I'm drunk but I write fast as fuck boiiiii... Help... I... I just froze in my fucking writing I think there is something wrong with me... I need to notify myself not to let myself write in the middle of the night because the shit I write doesn't make sense... Wait... It does make sense! Holy shit! I'm a fukin gay genius! I'm gonna have a stroke now before sleeping, haha!)

---(Until the next chapter!)---

Promises ( Garcello x Reader ) [Being reworked to ao3]Where stories live. Discover now