Goddess - Sylvie [SMUT]

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(Angst, Fluff, Smut)
Its long I apologise unless you like long chapters then enjoy.


Sitting in the room I was put into after being caught by the TVA (which was not part of my plan). I got bored and went for a little wonder around the floor I was out into.

I open the door and one of the minute men grabs their melting stick to threaten me. I throw my hands up in defence. "Jeez calm down, I'm just going to get some water" I say with a slight sarcastic tone in my voice knowing I got under their skin. He warily attacked his melting stick back onto his belt and gestured for me to go. I nod my head with a slight smirk on my face.
Pouring myself a cup of water in a world of my own, I snap back to reality from hearing distant irregular breathing accompanied with some sniffles.


I don't know why I am here, or where I am but all I know is that I can't breathe... I feel like I'm suffocating or drowning, I don't know but I feel like I'm slipping. I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks and this just so happens to be what is happening right now.

My mind was cut out of it's reoccurring train of thought when I see someone absolutely stunning yet so badass walk into the canteen, (yeah that's where I am having my panic attack, it's not as if I can help where it happens).

She looks so beautiful, so confident like she doesn't have a care in the world. I noticed I was following her every move that had taken her to the water fountain, whilst I was struggling to breathe, she derailed my train of thought for a few seconds freeing my mind of stress, then it came flooding back when I realised how intimidated I was by her confidence, wishing I had some to pull myself out of this.

I felt a pair of eyes on me, not sure where, I lift my head out of my arms. Slowly scanning the room as my vision is not great because my eyes are filled with tears threatening to spill. I blink, sending them cascading down my porcelain skin. I make straight eye contact with the woman who walked in for water. Her face fell when she seen the tears falling down my face. She turns back around and my stomach sinks feeling embarrassed that's she has seen me like this, I bury my head back in my arms and carry on crying and trying to listen to my heart beat to calm down.


"Hey, I brought you some water" I said softly, placing the cup just in front of her.
"Th-tha-thank y-you" she broke out, I couldn't leave her, I feel for her and feel something deeper like I should stay with her. So I pull up a chair next to her but not too close incase that makes her feel suffocated.

"Hey just breathe, I am not going anywhere trust me, so can you trust me to help you through this? I know it's hard but I've been through this plenty of times before and you will be okay" I softly whisper to her, close enough for her to feel safe. She nodded her head "please stay" she spoke in barely a whisper but I heard, so I placed my hand on top of her arm and gently tapped a couple times.
"Can you tell me how many times I'm tapping your arm darling?" I cooed to her.
"Erm... five? Yeah f-five I think" she spoke with slight confusion.
"Yes, well done. My name is Sylvie by the way, and yours is...?" I say proudly, because she is answering and it's normalising her breathing pattern without her stressing.
"y/n... why are you asking me questions when I'm like... this" she said realising she was breathing back to normal and stopped crying, "thank you" she finished with a blush.


"It is not a problem beautiful, like I said I've been through it before, I also didn't want to leave you like, well how you were"

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