Your Thoughts Are Loud - Wanda [SMUT]

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Smut, Fluff

Hey besties

I can't explain but I hope yous enjoy
TW : Knifes, blood


It seemed like a normal Friday evening in the compound, it was family dinner so everyone was in the compound came for a family dinner round the table. It was nice it gave me comfort as this was my new family. At this weeks dinner we have Sam, Bucky, Clint, Hope, Pepper, Scott, Thor, Nat, Maria, Tony, Bruce, Steve and can't forget y/n.

Everyone was conversing with each other having their own conversations about everything and nothing, laughter falling from people's mouths as funny stories were shared. Me, Hope and Nat we talking about a new crystal shop that opened in town that we wanted to check out, however I couldn't help but glance at y/n during the conversation.

She was gripping her cutlery that hadn't even touch the plate yet, she looks out of it, just daydreaming but a lot more intense. No one else noticed as she tends to dissociate due to her anxiety and ADHD however this was different, as I noticed sweat starting to bead at her skin. Worry ran through my veins so I decide to go into her mind.


I walk the hallways with Wanda bringing her back to my room, as soon as the door is closed she pinned me against the door moving closer to my face stopping a couple centimetres from my face. Wanda crashed her lips into mine as the kiss was laced with a feeling of urgency, she pulls away leaving my lips swollen lips from the rough kiss. Wanda moved her face so that her lips are ghosting over my ear, just her presence gave me butterflies.

Wanda: "I think it's time we finally do something about all this flirting. If you want to that is of course" the whispers sent shivers down my spine making all my hairs stand up and bringing a heat rise between my thighs. "So what do you say Y/n? I will do anything you want me to do" Air caught in my throat at the offer she just made and all my body does is just nod frantically, wanting, no needing her. In an instant Wanda's hand grips round my neck pulling me in for another kiss and squeezing slightly at the sides of my neck.

Out of no where a wave of confidence washes over me so I push Wanda off of me, leaving the Sokovian confused but instead of explaining and wasting time I just pick her up by her thighs and sit down on the bed so that she is straddling my waist.

Y/n: "I want you, Wanda Maximoff to fuck me so hard that the rest of the compound knows who I belong to" as these words fall assertively from my mouth with my finger tracing her jaw, Wanda's eyes widen with pure lust. The Sokovian push's me down so that she is able to pin me back down to the mattress towering over me. Wanda places a gentle kiss on my lips before moving down to the jaw placing open mouth kisses along my neck and then leaving deep purple bruises after.

Wanda gets off and orders me to strip. In a mad scramble clothes are thrown across the room leaving me in red lingerie. Earning a smirk from Wanda who was now stood in her black lingerie. Wanda climbs onto the bed about to climb up my body so I lean back on my elbows. Wanda starts to lick from my stomach up between my breast, along my neck going to kiss me and pulls away with a smirk seeing how needy I am for her.

Wanda unclips my bra from the front as it has a front clasp for easier access, my breast spill from the red lacy garment, her eyes are glued to my chest as she didn't realise the size and fullness of my chest. She lowers herself down to my breast attaching her plump lips to nipple, swirling her tongue and biting down on my now erect nipple, earning a moan from me, I instantly throw my hand up to my mouth to cover the noises.

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