Chapter 9

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Carly, Sam, Gibby and Spencer arrive at the airport where Melanie is waiting for them, she greets them very happy, everyone is happy to meet, only Sam is depressed and does not want to say hello, Spencer rented a hotel room near Melanie's dorm and everyone wants to rest a bit after the journey, so everyone goes to their rooms and falls asleep, only Sam locks up in the room and cries, in this state Melanie comes to her who, hearing crying, took the spare keys from Spencer and entered her room.

-Hello, Sam, why are you so sad and crying all the time? Melanie asks as she enters Sam's room

-I don't want to talk about it. Sam replies, covering his face with his hands

-Sam, you are my sister, do you remember when you used to tell me everything? Nothing has changed, you can still tell me everything. Melanie tries to convince her

- Okay, the point is, it's approaching the 4th anniversary of Freddie's disappearance ... Sam begins to speak

-And you loved him. Melanie interrupts her

-How do you know about this? Sam asks surprised

-I can see it from your present behavior, you would never cry for anyone who didn't matter to you, and even more so for someone you hated, you never cried, only when your father left you cried and that was the only time I saw you cry, later instead of crying you were nervous. Melanie replies

-Yes, it's true, it's my method of survival, but it doesn't work anymore. Says Sam

-I see, you must have really loved him. Melanie says sadly

-Yes, I've never loved anyone so much, not even my father. Says Sam, wiping her tears away

-Okay, Sam, stop torturing yourself and come wake up the rest and show you around town. Says Melanie

-No, I'm not going. Sam answers

- Alone, we won't leave you alone. Says Melanie

-Go and don't worry about me. Sam replies, turning away from Melanie

-Sam, do you trust me? Asks Melanie, touching her shoulder. Sam

-Yes, you're my sister, I trust you. Sam replies, looking at Melanie

-Then I promise you that after this weekend all your worries will be gone, the only condition is to go out with us. Melanie speaks with her hand on her heart

-What miracle? There is nothing you can do, Freddie will never come back, he is dead and neither should I live. Sam asks

-Sam, trust me, everything will work out, and if you don't feel better after this walk, I'll do what you want. Melanie replies

-Okay, let it be, I'll go with you. That's right Sam

-Cool. Happy Melanie exclaims

Sam and Melanie wake everyone up and go out to explore the city.

-Melanie? Says Gibby

-Yes Gibby? He asks Melanie

- why not visit Benson's? Gibby asks

-Of course, this is the highlight of our trip. Melanie replies

-Why? Carly asked, surprised

-Firstly, because they produce great equipment and you will be able to buy something as a souvenir, secondly, you can learn about the company's history, and you will see the third argument yourself. Melanie smiles back

Lost Freddie (Seddie)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt