Chapter 11

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The next day, all and Freddie are exploring the city and Freddie shows the first tent he lived in and everyone is shocked at how he had to live, then they go back to the hotel and say goodbye to Melanie and fly to Seatle. After reaching the city, Freddie together with Sam and Frank take care of all the formalities with the company, the mayor of Seatle was so happy when he found out that they want to have a company headquarters here that he arranged everything in a few hours, and even arranged for them a huge premises belonging to the city for their seat and production hall and Freddie agreed. Later, they rent an apartment in Buschwell Plaza and Frank offers to visit Marissa (Freddie's mother), Freddie finally agrees after urgent requests, and Sam goes in first to start the conversation, and Freddie and Frank are waiting outside the door.

-Hello, Mrs. Benson. Happy Sam says hello

-Hello, Sam, how was Vermont, why are you visiting me and why are you happy? Marissa asked, surprised.

-It was great, I met someone and that's why I'm happy and I want you to be happy, that's why I brought someone with me. Sam answers

-Who? Curious asks Marissa

- Come on in. Says Sam

The boys are coming in.

- Impossible, is that you Freddie? She asks Marissa, shocked,

-Yes, it's me." Freddie replies

-So you are alive. Says Marissa speaking, crying with happiness and running up and hugging Freddie.

-Can you let me go? Says Freddie angry

-Freddie, I want to apologize for everything. Marissa responds by letting go of Freddie

-I will forgive you only if you accept what I tell you. Freddie replies

- He'll accept everything. Provides Marissa

-I love Sam, and we rent an apartment together in Buswell. Freddie responds by hugging Sam

-Of course he'll accept it when you left I saw what Sam really is and he's so much better than Carly and the other girls you've had. Corresponds to happyMarissa

-I wasn't expecting this and thanks. Says surprised but satisfied Freddie

-Freddie, what happened to you and who is this man? Asks Marissa,

-This is Frank Pear, co-founder of Pear, later homeless and my friend, and now my partner in our company. Says Freddie introducing Frank

- Nice to meet you, my name is Marissa, thanks for taking care of him, but what company are we talking about? Curious Marissa asks

- Nice to meet you too, Freddie is like a son to me, talking about the Benson's company. Frank answers

-And so I heard, this company is one of the best in the production of electronics, but you founded it? Marissa

-Yes it's us. Frank answers

-But Freddie, how did it happen and what happened to you? Curious Marissa asks
Freddie told the whole story.

-Really, Freddie, I didn't know I was hurting you so much that you would rather stay homeless than live with me. Says a sad Marissa after hearing Freddie's story

-Yes, I was devastated. Freddie replies

-I'm sorry for everything and I promise that I won't be like that anymore. Says Marissa, hand on heart

-I forgive you. Freddie replies

-Thank you, but Freddie, are you leaving your company and moving to Seattle? Asks Marissa

-No, now she has her headquarters here in Seattle. Freddie replies

-It's great, I'm really glad that you did it and that you are alive. Says Marissa

-But I think Freddie that you should go back to school, I can handle the company, and if you help me something. Says Frank

-Yes, absolutely and don't worry, I'll talk to the headmaster and I'm sure that those teachers who have humiliated you will change or be fired, but you will have to go back to your old class again. Says Marissa

-No, I think we can get special exams and Freddie will pass them because he studied with me all the time and thanks to that he will be able to go to the same class as Sam. Says Frank

-I don't want to go back to this school, but if these teachers don't bother me anymore, I'll come back. Says Freddie

-Okay, now go to sleep, tomorrow we'll arrange everything. Says Marissa, glancing at the clock

-Okay, then we'll go. Hi, Mom. Says Freddie as he leaves

- Goodbye, Mrs. Marisso. Says Sam

- Talk me by my name, and preferably if you Talk me mom, after all, I'll be your mother-in-law. Marissa replies

-It's gonna be weird, but I'm glad for it, so bye. Says Sam speaking and he leaves with Freddie

-And why don't you stay and talk about Freddie in detail? She asks Mariss Frank

-Willingly. Corrects Frank

Pov Sam

-I am glad that Freddie reconciled with his mother, she is not like before and I think that she will support us, which makes me happy. I didn't expect him to think I was better than Carly, he was the first person I heard this from and I was very happy about it, I know Freddie thinks the same. These are the happiest moments of my life. I finally have Freddie. I thought he killed himself because of me, but luckily he didn't, and thanks to that I can finally call him my boyfriend. I will never forgive myself for the words I said to him before I left, I am a really mean person. How could Freddie love a person like me? Love is strange, but it is also the best that can happen to a person in his life. I hope it will be fine from now on and that nothing will keep us apart.

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