a heartbroken vaporeon

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Luna:ok all finished so maple don't destroy it or else I won't build it again got it
Maple:ok I won't *runs straight at it*
Luna: finally I get some rest in this house everyone just wants this and that I don't know what to do about THAT!
Icy: *steps into maples room* Um Luna why are you talking to yourself?
Luna: AH! oh wait it's just you well it's none of your business *looks away*
Icy: oh come on its not that hard to tell me
Icy: *stares in Surprise* ok I will let you rest bye!
Luna: (I can't even take a break from talking)

Leafy: lunch is ready!
Sylvia: yay!
Flame: I'm starving
Jolt: hey has anyone seen Hydro?
Midnight: nope I have not seen him at all and why don't we just forget about him right *says nervously*
Jolt: hmm sounds suspicious but I just care about eating right now
Flame: ya and who cares if he's lost or even dead he's a water type *says carelessly*
Everyone: *stares at Flame*
Flame: never mind
Hydro: I'm back guys!
Jolt: oh great we're just having lunch and what is that in your paw?
Hydro: um nothing!
Sylvia: can we worry about that after lunch please
Jolt: fine

                                                                                                 [At hydros room]
Laefy & Sylvia: *walks in*
Hydro: uh wait what are you guys doing here!
Laefy: midnight told us
Hydro: he told you two to come in?
Midnight: ya I did and I told them about you have a crush on icy too
Hydro:why would you do that?
Sylvia: so we can help and I know icy very well
Hydro: ok fine but don't tell jolt
Laefy: why not?
Midnight: because he has a crush on icy too
Sylvia: ok we won't tell

                                                                                                        [A little later]
Hydro: hey uh icy!
Icy: oh yes
Hydro: I want to give this to you *gives the gift*
Icy: uh but what is this for?
Hydro: um uh i--i love you!
Icy: um oh you do look I have my own crush and we'll its not you but don't give up I'm sure there's more people that maybe loves you but it's not me I love jolt and I don't feel the same for you sorry *gives the gift back*
Hydro: um ok I'm sorry if I Disturbed you *walks away*
Midnight: well that didn't go as well as I thought
Leafy: poor Hydro

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