Welcome to the world

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"Okay. Are you okay where you are? I just need to quickly change Madeleine" Will said as he indicated to the little girl who was still in her swimming costume.

"I think so..." Rachel said unsurely.

"I'll be quick. Then I'll call Kurt and he'll look after Maddie." Will said as he grabbed the 11-month-old and ran into the house.

He returned five minutes later, Madeleine in his arms.

"Will... they're getting closer together.." Rachel said as she started to panic

"Okay. Let's get you to the hospital. I'm just going to call Kurt first okay?" Will instructed he placed Madeleine down as Rachel nodded, her face pale.

W: Hey, it's Will.
K: What's wrong? Is everything okay?
W: Rachel's gone into labour!
K: No! Oh my gosh! Do you want me to come and get Maddie?
W: Would you mind?
K: Not at all. I'm leaving now. See you shortly.
W: Thanks Kurt.

"Kurt's on his way baby." Will said as he rubbed Rachel's back soothingly.

"He'd better hurry!" Rachel moaned as she crouched down.

"Ma?" Madeline said as she toddled towards her parents, confused at the scene that was unfolding.

"Hey princess. How about you play in your play-pen?" Will suggested as the 11-month old tried to wriggle out of his arms.

"Ma! Ma! Ma!" Madeline called out frantically.

"Mummy's okay." Will soothed as he spotted Kurt pulling up outside their house.

"Look! There's uncle Kurt." Will smiled.

Will briskly walked towards the door and opened it.

"Thank you, sorry for calling at such late notice." Will apologised as Rachel cried out in pain.

"It's fine. Give me Maddie and get yourselves off to the hospital." Kurt ordered as Will handed Madeline over.

"Rachel? You good to go?" Will asked.

"I think so." Rachel said quietly.

"Here. This is the key for the house, grab Madeleine some clothes and toys and lock up once you're done." Will said as he realised Madeleine had no clothes to wear besides the one she was wearing.

"Okay. Say bye bye!" Kurt encouraged as Madeleine waved as Will and Rachel left.

It wasn't long before they ended up arriving at the hospital.

"Hi my name is Will Schuester and I have my fiancé, Rachel Berry with me. She's 37 weeks and she's in labour." Will spoke frantically.

"Okay, Head to room 1608 and I'll have a doctor come and see her shortly." The receptionist instructed.

"Okay, thank you." Will said as he took Rachel's hand and started to guide her down the corridor.

"I can't believe it's finally happening." Rachel spoke, a small smile on her face.

"I know. Just think, In a few hours we will have our boys, and they won't need any NICU time. We can hold them and sing to them as much as we want." Will said as he started to ramble.

They eventually arrived at the room and got settled.

"Hi Rachel! My name is Dr Montgomery and I'm to, you think you're in labour?" She spoke calmly.

"Yes, my waters broke around an hour ago and my contractions are every 5 minutes." Rachel replied.

"And you're having twins? Is that correct?" Dr Montgomery asked as she gathered the equipment needed to check Rachel over.

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