Fun in the sun

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Authors Note: Hello everyone! I'm back, I took a break for a while to focus on my studies. I'm almost done with them which means I can try and write some more again! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Also, there's a slight time skip between this chapter and the last. Just a week or so. -Ash

"Hey Rach' I have an idea." Will said as he walked into their kitchen to see Rachel feeding Madeline.

"Okay, what is it?" She asked.

"We should go to the beach! It's meant to be really hot today and we can't keep Madeline cooped up inside all day." He suggested.

"That's a great idea!" She said as she removed the syringe from Madeline's feeding tube.

"There we go baby, all done!" Rachel said as she soothed the little girl who whined slightly.

"I'll get myself and Madeline ready, then we can go." Rachel said as Will nodded, taking Maddy into his arms.

"I'll pack the diaper bag." Will said as Rachel nodded.


"Maddy, look-where we are!" Rachel said as the 3 month old giggled and babbled.

They quickly parked the car and made their way to the beach.

"This is so nice! We should do this more. Have family time together, go out to places." Rachel said as she saw the beach come into view.

"You're right, we should!" Will says as he smiles.

"Here looks good, not too close too the sea and not too far away from the car." Will announces as Rachel nods in agreement.

Rachel puts Madeleine's car seat down on the sand, before lifting the 3 month old out and into her arms.

The three month old squeals excitedly once Rachel places her onto the sand.

"Look at her. 10 weeks premature and look where we are now." Rachel says as she snuggles up to Will.

"To be honest, I never thought we'd get here, she always had so many wires and so many medical issues that I just see everyday with her now as a miracle." Will replies as Madeleine picks up a handful of sand.

"Hey you! Don't eat the sand, that's not food silly." Will says as he moves her on to his lap.

"Would you want another?" Rachel asks.

"Another baby? Yeah! I grew up as an only child, and I don't want her to go through that. I want her to have four or five siblings, only if you want to though." Will replies as he watches Madeleine kick her legs excitedly.

"Good, as I feel the exact same." Rachel replies.

"Just maybe when she's older, I want to enjoy her fully, rather than having an almost one year old and a newborn. It just wouldn't work. She's my first born child and I want to savour every single part of her being a baby." Will finishes.

"I agree, plus I don't think I could handle it right now. We're in a good place right now and I don't want to ruin that." Rachel says as she stands.

"Come on! Let's go take Maddy into the sea!" Rachel exclaims excitedly, as she lifts the little girl onto her hip.

The group wander down to the sea and Will gets his phone out to record the moment.

"Okay.. Go!" He says as he starts filming.

Rachel slowly places Madeline into the water, not wanting to spook her.

"There we go, splash splash!" Rachel beams as she watches Madeleine splash the water excitedly.

"Good job baby." Rachel says after around a minute of her being in the water.

"She was so good! We'll have to get her into some swimming lessons when she's older." Will exclaims as he puts his phone away before the group walk up to where their stuff is.

"Definitely! She's such a little water baby. I've never seen a baby so excited to be in the water." Rachel says.

"She's getting so big now too, aren't you Maddy-moo?" Rachel says as she tickles Maddy's feet, making her erupt with giggles.

"Oh my gosh! That laugh!" Will exclaims.

"Is daddy making fun of your laugh? Huh? Is he?" Rachel says as she makes Maddy laugh again.

"Stop! I'll start crying with laughter in a minute!" Will says as he wipes away a few tears.

"Okay, I'll stop." Rachel replies.

"Oh gosh, that was so adorable!" Will says as he smiles at the two.

For the rest of the day, they enjoyed being in each other's company and spending time with Madeleine.

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