YR 2☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ The Background

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Authors notes: Hey I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter as it is my first ever that I've written. Btw this: ∞   ϟ  9¾  ♔ means a time jump/end. Have fun! (and please correct spelling mistakes and I will fix it when I have the chance.)

∞   ϟ  9¾  ♔

Y/N ran with Harry through the halls to the prefects bathroom, Ron and Hermione trailing behind. The quartet had recently discovered that Ginny Weasley had gone missing.

"Where are all of you going in a rush?" Moaning Myrtle giggled with a grin as they entered, she saw them searching the place frantically.

"We need to get to the chamber of secrets, do you know how to get in?" Y/N asked desperately.

"Well I may or may not know." Myrtle said giggling as the quartet's heart started beating faster and faster.

"THAT'S MY SISTER YOU BONEHEAD! HELP US ENTER NOW AND NO GAMES." Ron yelled at her. Moaning Myrtle started to cry and took off to her favorite bathroom stall.

"Guys I'll go talk to her. You stay here." Y/N said taking off towards the stalls.

"I'm going with you." Harry replied quietly, but kindly while heading after Y/N.

They approached the stall she was in and heard weeps coming from inside.

"You guys I think someone's coming, come back." Hermione said as her body faced the entrance to the prefects bathroom.

They all turned slightly to see what their friend was talking about and saw tall, skinny figure standing there for a moment, but that moment did not last long as the voice boomed a spell.

"STUPEFY!" The unknown stranger yelled, their voice echoing through the near empty prefects bathroom. Y/N scrambled in front of Harry not wanting him to get hit because she new he would do the same for her and got hit with the spell instead. She was knocked unconscious.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔

"Y/N, I just want you to know we got Ginny back." Hermione whimpered, a single tear falling from her eyes. She quickly wiped it away but felt more rolling down her cheek and realized it was no use.

"And we never left your side." Ron said as he looked at Hermione who now had a face plastered in tears.

"I didn't want to leave but I had to go to get Ginny. I'm sorry Y/N." Harry whined, he could barely look at her, it hurt him so bad as he felt guilty for having to leave her, and he wondered why he let himself let her do that to protect him.

As soon as Harry figured out how to enter the chamber of secrets, Hermione and Ron called for a Professor to come help Y/N, and the figure that attacked her followed Harry into the chamber.

"You all should be going to bed, it's almost past curfew." Dumbledore said while gently putting a hand on Hermione's shoulder as she took a tissue from the box next to Y/N's hospital bed.

"Okay." The three whimpered leaving their friend in the hospital wing as they did for the past six days.

"Goodbye Y/N. Have a good night." Harry said ruffling Y/N's hair before turning away and walking out after Ron and Hermione.

"Wha-" Y/N said breathlessly, as it sounded like she had just ran a mile. She saw all of her friends leaving and the professors following behind them and got confused, but when she looked around that only answered one of her questions.

"Y/N?!" Hermione gasped just as the door to the hospital wing was about to start closing. She turned and saw Y/N's eyes open faintly and her hand moving to her head.

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