YR 3☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ So it begins

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Last chapter was all over the place so from now on, each chapter will focus on a different objective. Hope you guys like the song Livin' On a Prayer. Might hear it soon ;). Also I know it's bad right now but it gets better I promise. As always PLEASE point out my spelling/grammar mistakes. Enjoy! (Sorry I got grounded, I'm still not supposed to be writing, or doing anything, for another week)

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔

"Lumos Maxima," A light slowly flickered on, then off, "Lumos Maxima." The same thing happened.

It was Harry casting the spell under his sheets trying to defuse the brightness and hide it from Uncle Vernon who was now up.

He heard noise coming from outside his bedroom, he then threw the covers off of his head and pretended to be fast asleep.

Just then Uncle Vernon burst in and turned on the light to Harry's room, then flicked the switch back off and slammed the door shut after giving the room a quick inspection just to make sure nothing was going on in there.

Harry took that as a signal he was gone then threw the sheets back over his head and repeated, "Lumos Maxima, Lumos Maxima," A light high-pitched whirling noise went on each time he repeated the spell, "Lumos Maxima!" he whispered for the last time over a book of spells he was holding.

The high-pitched noise went on again, but instead of the flicker of light that usually came out of his wand, it lit up the whole room and made it look as if the whole room was just plain white without an end.

Harry panicked and hid under the covers once more, and in return Uncle Vernon came in all angry, ready to catch Harry in his act but instead found him fast asleep in his bed like nothing ever happened.

He looked around and inspected to room angrily, and saw nothing wrong. He slammed the door shut.

Harry decided to stop, so he fell asleep in his bed as most nights, thoughts racing in his head.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔

It was a semi quiet afternoon at the Dursley's house, other than the rain pouring from the gray sky above.

The door rang and Aunt Petunia ordered Harry to go open the door to let his Aunt Marge in.

"Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form," Harry began.

"What is it?"

"Nothing. School stuff." He finished.

"Later perhaps, if you behave." Vernon responded.

"I will if she does."

Aunt Petunia had begun to scream and kick violently, frightened by Aunt Marge's bulldog that she'd brought with her on her visit.

"Oh, you're still here, are you?" Aunt Marge said in a disappointed tone whilst turning around from playing with her big bulldog.

"Yes." Harry snapped back.

"Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful way. Damn good of my brother to keep you. He'd've been straight to the orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep, Vernon." Aunt Marge's anger in her tone started to pick up as she gave a nasty look to Vernon.

Dudley let out a dumb cackle, presumably laughing at the TV going on.

Aunt Marge went over to Dudley and started smothering him with hugs and kisses while he kept his focus on the TV.

Meanwhile Uncle Vernon ordered Harry to take her things upstairs, he agreed.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔

After everyone was settled in Harry began to cook dinner as usual.

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