Chapter 2 - getting closer

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Once again I woke up and got ready to live the same day again. I waited for a knock on my door, someone to follow me to breakfast, but this time it was different.

A childish knock sounded in the room, two slow punches then two fast and to finish it off a last slow knock. My brain tried to figure out who might be on the other side of the door, and my heart hoped for it to be him even though I didn't listen to it; not anymore.

When I opened the door Dream did an overly dramatic bow causing me to giggle.

"Oh, so you can laugh. I'm here to escort you to breakfast, your majesty." he said in a terrible Kinoko accent like my own. This I wasn't used to, something unregular, something different, something that made my day brighter. He felt less strict if you compared it to the way I was treated by the rest of the staff. Before, Michel would appear on my doorstep every morning and we barely even spoke. This felt so much better.

"I don't recognize your accent, where are you from?" I asked as we started walking, genuinely curious.

"I grew up in the greater SMP, my grandfather fought in the Pogtopia war and my family moved here because of my own and my siblings' education."

He answered more than just my question, as if he actually wanted me to know him. A small feeling settled in the pit of my stomach when I realised I wanted to. There was something about his voice that caused butterflies to evolve in my stomach, but I killed them quickly with memories.

Don't. Feel. A. Thing.

"Now I've introduced myself, but I don't know anything about you." he continued.

"Everyone already knows everything about me." I said. I was a goddamn prince after all.

"Well... I don't:"

I sighed but smiled.

"Fine. I'm George, prince over..."

"No" he interrupted me "what you like and stuff." There was a brief, surprised silence. Why would he like to know that? My own personal interest didn't matter, or that was at least what I had been told my entire life. But his observing look made me actually try to figure out an answer. It was as if he actually cared about me, and even if it wasn't true I for once let myself float in that feeling a moment before memories started to flood my mind, and I quickly pushed the feeling away.

"Okay, my name is George. I like.. reading and studying biology. Mostly about flowers, I draw and write about them." I fell silent, a bit embarrassed."Sorry, you really don't want to listen to this."

"No I really do!" he said, so genuinely it lit a spark inside of me and I let it shine, just for a little while.

"It seems like our journey has come to an end." he said and the kinoko accent was back. "I'll see you tomorrow unless you do something stupid so I would have to save your life before that."

With that, he walked away swinging his arms in the same pace as the melody he was whistling, and I found myself gazing after him, something warm lingering in my chest. When I looked upon the big wooden doors that lead to the dining hall, I tried to hide the big smile on my face before entering and I made a mental note to be the one asking questions tomorrow.

The days kept going by just like they always had, but every time I heard that special knock on my door in the morning, my heart skipped a beat for no reason. I was just excited to talk to him, that was all. Every time we talked we learned new things about each other. I told him things I hadn't told anyone; like my panic attacks, even though I never brought up what caused them, and he would tell me something about his family in the village or embarrassing stories from his childhood. Every time he cracked a joke or told me a funny story I would laugh and if he tuned in, it was hard for me to stop. Sometimes I got reminded of something he had said and let out a giggle halfway through our breakfasts in silence, which made my family think I was from outer space, but I didn't care.

He made every day different. One day we would talk about stuff like classic music and art while other we would discuss ice cream flavors. Every time he told me something new about himself I made sure to store it in a safe place deep inside my mind. I didn't know why I did that, why I wanted to remember, I just did it without thinking about it.

Two weeks after he was hired I sat in my room waiting to hear the knock I had started to associate with that joyful feeling I had a hard time explaining. Once I heard it I almost ran to the door and flung it open. Dream was waiting outside as per usual.

"Good Morning your majesty, how did you sleep?" he said with a deep bow.

I laughed and answered,

"Good thanks."

"I think I need to call Dreasus because he's missing an angel."

That was not what I was expecting and a blush spread its way across my face until it reached the top of my ears. Whenever he said something like this my stomach always made a little jump, and although I tried to not let myself feel it, I knew I loved it.

"W-was that a-a pick, a pickup line?" was all I managed to stutter out as we walked the familiar corridor. "I think you should save it for a girl in the future." At this Dream fell silent and I got scared I had said something wrong.

"I don't want a girl." he said, not looking mad about it.

"What do you want then?" my stupid arse asked.

"I want a boy, a beautiful boy who makes my heart stop." I was looking away in embarrassment so I didn't notice he was looking in my direction.

"Does he have to be pretty?" I asked in a small voice, regretting my own question as soon as it reached my ears.

"Pretty and beautiful aren't the same thing. Beautiful is about your inside, not about how you look. It's about how you act, how you choose to formulate your sentences. It's about how you talk to loved ones as much as to strangers. How you treat a kitten, you know."

"How you treat a kitten?" I let out a small giggle.

"No, okey, that sounded stupid." Dream said, his eyes flickering. I caught his emerald green gaze. He looked kind of worried, as if he felt he had made a fool of himself; I recognised the feeling way too well.

"It didn't sound stupid." I reassured him and entered the dining hall. "See you tomorrow!" I didn't have the time to see his cheeks turn pink.


Thanks for reading and thanks for Sara for reading this through before I post it <3

Song: Hug all your friends by cavetown

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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