What the hell happened!?

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The sound of panting could be heard, echoing across the hollow halls of the palace. How did this happen? The palace is supposed to be invincible! Meteors crashed into the palace like a knife slicing a cake. This was the home of many... So many people have passed in this incident, and those murderers shall pay for what they've done on this night. April the 13th, the Glistenlea massacre. Prince Sebastian's tears streamed down his face as he ran out of his former home, he clutched in his sweaty palms the Magical Wrazzle Dazzle Staff. The staff that caused this mess, the family heirloom. Sebastian did not know of one who may be able to use it, so this was his new goal. He will find someone to use this staff to the fullest. He will find someone that will save his homeland from this sinister force.

BEEP-BEEP-BEEP. A black haired boy named immy awoke in a panic as he shook his head rapidly in hopes to get himself awake. He ruffled his smooth as silk hair and grabbed the nearest hair tie to tame his unruly hair. 8:47 AM. He was late. Terribly late. He rolled off his bed like a ball rolling down a hill as he rummaged through his closet for his uniform. Within seconds he found his indigo uniform, with the school emblem of a unicorn and a lion clashing in an honourable battle. At least it looks honourable from this perspective, maybe they're cursing rapidly... But that's beside the point. He sprinted downstairs, well not really he slid down the stairs. But to spare his pride we'll say he sprinted down the stairs like a stoic hero. He shoved a piece of bread down a toaster's throat like a psychopath as he glared at the toaster attempting to be menacing so that it'd push the toast out quicker. It didn't work, he just looks pathetic. Ka-Ching! Toast is ready! He smothered nutella onto the toast and threw the knife at the sink, missing by a mile. He rubbed his dark purple eyes before striking a pose and attempting to be dramatic by throwing the toast into his mouth like they do in those movies. He missed by a mile once again... Immy looked down in sorrow as he dashed out the door. If he was going to be late for school, he'd do the anime girl run. And he's gonna pull it off. He somehow failed that too.

"Ugh why can't I do anything right?" Immy asked himself as he ran to school, hoping to not get slaughtered by a passing bus. WOOOSHH!!! The purple eyed boy kicked something. It was an owl. He panicked as he shook the owl as he screamed. "UUUGGGHHH MR OWL WAKE UP!!!"

"Silence human..." The owl spoke in a fancy british accent. Well this day just got weirder.

The misadventures of Magical Boy Immy!Where stories live. Discover now