prank Sammy

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Driving to the holiday house in the Impala felt different. Castiel used to sit in the backseat. Being right beside Dean made him feel strangely important.
“What music do you want to hear, Cass?”, Dean asked, driving through the rainy night. Castiel was surprised. Dean had never asked him for his music taste.
“I… I don’t know…”
Dean sensed Castiel’s shyness. The whole situation was new, but it did not seem wrong. Dean’s heart beat faster. He was nervous and insecure because he could not treat Castiel like before, now that they had confessed to each other. He wanted to be more respectful.
“Cass, really?! You don’t know what music you like? You must have listened to something on your own...?!”
“I…- maybe… classical music sounds appealing…” Dean laughed and the tense mood loosened.
“Okay, I don’t think I have anything like that in my car… Then… how about a ballad?”
Castiel nodded and smiled. Dean’s eyes sparkled warmly and he turned on a Gun’s and Roses classic.
While driving, Dean kept talking about this band and how much he liked their sound and Castiel enjoyed listening to the song, but mostly to Dean’s enthusiasm. His voice sounded a bit shaky, a bit hasty - all in all, so oddly cute...
After half an hour they became more comfortable with each other. Castiel even dared to start a conversation.
“How is Sam?”
“Oh, my brother is fine! Every morning he runs through the forest like crazy… he’s becoming a sports freak and he’s cooking all the time… good for me, I guess.”
“You… have lost a bit of weight.”
Dean bit his lip at this remark.
“I mean… you… still look wonderful. You have always looked wonderful no matter how-”
“Cass, don’t try to flatter me… I know I’ve been in better shape before… I just…- never mind.”
Dean parked the Impala in front of the holiday house. Castiel put his hand on Dean’s, which was placed on the car stick.
“I’m back now.", he said in a gentle voice. "I will give you more energy so you can recover quickly.”
“You don’t have enough power yourself, Cass… It’s alright, I’m fine, I just-”
“Dean.”, Castiel pressed his hand tightly. “It’s okay to accept help. I want to be there for you. I feel just as miserable when you are not well. I can share my power with you. It won't harm me.”
Dean sighed. “Okay. But… don’t overdo it… Stop it when you feel exhausted. Promise me.”
“I promise you.”
Dean hesitated, then leaned towards Castiel to get another deep kiss. Castiel did not see it coming and gasped for breath. Kissing Dean felt like heaven and gave him goosebumps. He had so rarely been close to him in the past, but he still remembered Dean’s scent, wild and sweet at the same time, like firs in a stormy forest night mixed with sunflowers. His lips felt soft like rose petals, surrounded by blonde stubbles that made it rough at the same time - a gorgeous, breathtaking mixture...
He stared at Dean’s closed eyes. Long, dark-blonde lashes, thick like velvet curtains... How could this beautiful man, the one he loved so dearly, really belong to him?
“Don’t stare at me like that, Cass…”, Dean mumbled. “I had to kiss you one last time before we go to Sammy and he’ll get all of your attention…”
“My attention is always on you.”
Castiel searched for his lips to kiss him more intensely. A soft moan escaped Dean's lips that made Castiel lose his mind.
Of course, there was longing after all these years. In the last six months, Dean had often fantasized about sleeping with Castiel. Now that he knew how good it felt to kiss him the thought could not be pushed away easily. The perfect unity they were… how would it feel to undress Castiel, to kiss every centimeter of his smooth skin and pulsing muscles…?
Castiel turned around and pointed at the entrance of the house. There stood a tall man with long brown hair, looking at the Impala.
Sam had come out, worried because Dean had not left his car for half an hour. The last time Dean had not come out of the Impala, he had hurt his leg in a fight against vampires, unable to walk, so Sam probably came to help.
“Dean? Are you alright?”
His voice echoed through the forest. Though the housefront and the parking lot were enlightened by the moon Sam was not able to recognize the inside of the car.
Castiel wanted to leave the Impala, but Dean had different plans.
“Wait!”, he whispered. “Let’s prank him! He didn’t believe in me bringing you back! I wanna take revenge.”
“Well, Dean, technically he was right…”
Dean rolled his eyes.
“Come on Cass, don't be a stick in the mud! Stay in the car!”
Dean quickly realized how bossy he sounded. This was quite the old, harsh tone that he wanted to avoid. He took Castiel’s hand and kissed it in apology.
“I’m sorry… that was - … I didn’t mean it… Let’s try again: Would you please stay in the Impala, angel?”
This one word triggered something inside of Castiel. Angel.
The way Dean had said it he did not mean it as a simple description of who he was, more like the nickname for a lover. Castiel appreciated it to be called Dean's angel. To thank him he answered with another kiss that made the tiny hairs on Dean’s neck stand. It was a dominating kiss, manly and arousing.
“Wow… you… can kiss me like that…?” He whispered. “That’s hot, Cass... stronger than my toughest whiskey…”
Castiel stared at him with a red face, but then Dean had to leave the car because Sam stood directly in front of it.
“Hey, Sammy!”
“There you are! What are you doing here, why are you not coming in? I was worried!”
Dean leaned against the Impala nonchalantly.
“Came back from my mission. Wanted to spend some quality time with baby.”
Sam did not sense the duality of this statement, but Dean grinned like a Cheshire cat.
Sam eyed him up and down in disgust. ‘Quality time with baby’ could only mean masturbating in the car. Dean had sometimes found it adventurous to have sex in the Impala, though this had mainly happened in his early twenties. Afterward, he had cared more about keeping the leather clean.
“Anyways… How was it? Why are you grinning? Are you drunk?!”
Dean fixed his expression, but pretending to be grumpy in a state of such overwhelming happiness was a tough act. He probably did not appear very convincing.
He cleared his throat.
“You were right… I sacrificed myself for nothing again…”
Sam lay a hand on Dean’s shoulder to comfort him.
“Don’t take it too seriously, Dean… I told you it wouldn’t work. Better listen to me next time, okay? How about we go in and I cook something nice for us? Something with meat this time, to cheer you up?”
Dean remained silent for a few seconds, crossing his arms in front of his chest and kicking stones.
“I’m afraid it won’t happen, Sammy.”, he said in a melodramatic tone. “I’m making Dean burgers!”
Sam stared at him in confusion. When Dean raised his eyes they were bright green, beaming like emeralds in the summer sun. Dean could not hide his joy anymore.
“We got something to celebrate.”
He knocked on the window of the Impala.
Suddenly the door opened and a second person came out. With a light smile on his face, Castiel appeared and Sam could not believe his eyes.
“Cass!”, he yelled. “What in the world...-!?”
“He’s real.”, Dean said, confidently. “How about you say ‘better listen to me’ again, Sammy?”
“Oh my god, Cass, is this really true?! You are alive!”
Sam could not pay attention to Dean at that moment. He ran straight to Castiel and hugged him tightly. Castiel was also happy to see him again. Sam and he had always had a great relationship.
“How are you, Sam?”
“Fantastic - now that you’re here! This is crazy, how were you able to come back?! Did Dean’s incantation really work?!”
“It’s a long story.”, Castiel said gently, neither wanting to lie nor wanting to spoil Dean’s fun.
“We’ll tell you at dinner.”, Dean said, casually leaning on Castiel’s shoulder.
“Besides that… there is something else we should… probably explain to you…”, Castiel began carefully, searching for Dean’s eyes and approval.
Dean’s confidence did not vanish. Suddenly, he was proud. In Castiel’s absence, he had spent so much time on struggling, re-considering and doubting… Now he did not have to quarrel anymore. He loved Castiel, he was physically attracted to him. He was either bi or gay, which made no difference since he would not leave Castiel again in this life.
“I’m not a man of many words, you know.” Dean leaned his head against Castiel’s cheek and kissed it spontaneously. “I’m going in, preparing the burgers. Hope you guys like it cheesy and greasy.” He chuckled and went ahead.
It would not have been such a remarkable gesture if it came from someone else than Dean Winchester, a man who had always kept his distance, even to good friends like Castiel. Dean was definitely not a touchy person. Kissing anyone but his girlfriend was unthinkable. Considering all the moments from the past when Dean had reacted with irritation to physical contact between men, made it even more noticeable. Sam stared at his brother with wide eyes as if someone had put him in the wrong movie.
“Cass, did he just…- he kissed you…?!”, he stuttered. “I… didn’t hallucinate this?!”
Castiel’s eyes followed Dean’s steps. He had already made a decision. Just like always, he followed Dean’s lead. Dean often had a very different way to solve problems than him, but in the end, he somehow managed to get Castiel on his side.
“You saw right.”, Castiel said, as if it was nothing special. He also went to the entrance, leaving Sam behind, who tried to catch up quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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