they walk in on you changing

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i wrote this while on vc to very cool ppl, completly unrelated, how do i uncatch feelings for somebody i just met??


- Dream

- Slams the door shut

- Compliments you from outside the door

- you hear him panic wheezing

- George

-instantly runs out of the room

- "Theres a lock, use it!!"

- Screams in gogy style

- Tubbo

- no <3

- Sapnap

- "DAyuM MaMaS"

- honestly he would be more nervous than you are

- "Im so sorry."

- Walks out and doesn't make Eye Contact with you for a while

- Eret

- Completely unfazed by you

- "oh- oh i'm so sorry darling."

- gets what he needed and walks back out

- your left standing there confused

- Ranboo

- no <3

- Niki/Nihachu

- gasps in suprise

- "Im sorry, i didnt know you were changing"

- Blushes secretly

- JustaMinx

- "Holy fucking shit."

- advises you to lock the door

- calls you sexy

- Fundy

- "woah."

- Is Shocked as hell

- Goes red

- forgets hes in the room and stares at your body, admiring it.


"Oh shit sorry yea" and slams the door shut after calling u gorgeous.




- Apologises Profusily

- Gets so awkaard

- Tommyinnit

- no <3

- Purpled

- no <3

- Jack Manifold

- "Sheeeeeeshhh"

- Secretly freaks out

- Calls you hot

- Technoblade

- "oh my god-"

- Covers Eyes out of respect

- peaks once or twice while leaving

- Badboyhalo

- "oh my gosh! Im so sorry!"

- Makes you muffins to apolgise

- Feels so bad

- Wilbur soot

- "hello darlin- oh your changing?"

- "Im sorry."

- Looks you up and down then leaves smirking.

- Quackity

- "what the fuck."

- screams at you for not locking the door

- almost dies when you show him your boobs/Abs

- Punz


- Leaves the room, smirking and complimenting you

- doesnt make Eye contact with you for a while

- "im really sorry..."

- ConnerEatsPants

- "Oh jesus on ice."

- Half faints when he realises you dont have a shirt on

- "...sorry?"

- Leaves. just leaves.

- Karl Jacobs

- "Ahhh what in the actual Honk."

- "Im so sorry."

- Apologises alot

- Doesnt look outta respect.


- "oh m-"

- "dayummm."

- once you hit him with your bra he leaves

- "im sorry, but you looked hot."

A/n: im working on like two riverdale Books, Please bare with me, enjoy however :)

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