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Name: Y/n

Birthday: August 22

Age: 14

Siblings: Emma (twin)

Personality: Shy, but can be kinda mean to her closest friends, really nice to the younger kids, very quiet, introverted, tries to think on the bright side but is often pessimistic, good actor.

Likes: Reading, drawing, music, hanging out with Ray, and spending time with Emma and their younger siblings.

Dislikes: Tests, adoption days, being the center of attention.

Additional Information: Her and Ray have always been very close, they don't keep secrets from each other. Emma and Y/n have a great relationship with each other, Y/n tries her best to act like an older sibling. 

A/n- I'm not really the best writer, so be warned. Also, sorry if you don't like the personality, I just wanted to do something a bit different than everyone else because I see a lot of ones where the character is just like Emma. I hope you like it!

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