Chapter 3

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Hello my Roses! Hope you are all enjoying the story so far! Really short chapter, sorry. Let me know if I can make anything better. With that said, enjoy chapter 3!


Two more months. Two more months to get this plan perfected, two more months to learn the rest of the secrets, two more months... or I will loose Ray.

I'm starting to get annoyed with Emma and Norman running off and being so secretive. I mean I already know why, but Emma is my twin sister, she used to tell me everything. Her and Norman better tell Ray and I soon. I wonder is they found out the shipping order yet.

The shipping order is based off of the size and quality of our brain. Demons think the brain is the most delicious part of a human, especially a well developed one. The older you are the more developed your brain is, obviously. People start getting shipped off at the age of 9, is you are lucky enough to live up to your 15th birthday, you will be shipped out no matter what. The tests are used to see how smart we are, the smarter we are, the more valuable our brains are, so the longer we will stay. That make sense? Probably not, I'm the worst at explaining. A/N: That is true in real life, suffer with me at these parts


Ray and I were walking back together from setting up dinner, when we saw Mama confront Emma when she was looking at the pictures on the wall. Ray had the dinner bell with him but he couldn't step in right away because it would be too suspicious. Ray is smart enough to know that, we had to wait and see what would happen.

At first Emma looks petrified, then her mood and facial expressions change suddenly. I wasn't really expecting that, but I'm glad it happened. "It's nothing. I was just thinking that I'd leave the house soon..." She trails off "I'm gonna miss you." Good save Emma.

"Do you like the house?" Mama asks, still suspicious

"Of course! I love the house and I love you!" Emma exclaims as she jumps into Mama's arms. "I wonder what Conny is up too now." Emma don't ruin it, you're doing so good. "You know, she said she wanted to be a great mother, just like you, once she grows up"

They stare at each other for what seems like hours but in reality is only a few minutes, before mom turns away saying, "Yeah, I know. I'm looking forward to that. I'm sure she'll become a fine adult. And a great mother as well." She's like an iron wall, determined and unwavering. You could probably feel the tension throughout the whole house, when all of a sudden a warm hand grabs my own and pulls me along into the hallway ringing the dinner bell. Ray.

"Dinner time," He says, breaking the tension, "We got everything ready, Mama." Ray gestures to me and I smile at Mama. 

"We'll be there right away." Mama says, and with that me and Ray walk back toward the dinner hall. 

At the dinner hall we sit next to each other and wait for our friends who still look pretty shaken up, did we miss something?

"Let's all dig in."


Ray and I are hanging out in the library, sitting at one of the tables. "Now that Mama knows someone went to the gate, we need to change our plan. Ugh, why did they have to leave Little Bernie?" I say, sounding annoyed. "The next shipment is you, so we can't wait for Mama to leave. We will need some kind of distraction"

"I don't know, Y/n. I'm sure we will come up with something," Ray replies. Something is up, he isn't looking at me. He does this when he is hiding something. I spend most of my life with him, I would know.

"Any ideas?" I need to figure out what he is hiding. What happened to telling me everything?

"No, not right now. I'll keep mom off our path until we do though" He responds. Ray, what are you hiding?

"Ok good, let's follow Emma and Norman tomorrow, we'll get more information on what they know." I say. I'll figure this out later, he won't tell me right now. 

"Got it." We stay silent looking at each other for a minute before mama calls us all to bed. What secret could be so bad that he is keeping it from me. He told me about the house, what could possible be worse? Sacrificing himself? Please, he would never... Right?

Thanks for reading. I didn't like this chapter that much, I think it came out terrible. I don't really think it worked that well with what I have already written. What did you guys think?Let me know in the comments!

Love you my Roses <3, see you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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