Chapter VIII: Daniel

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⚠️There will be mention of blood in this chapter + a POV change⚠️
Max POV*
I finally made it to the camp and ran over to Gwens cabin, not caring if she was asleep or not. I banged on her door multiple times before she finally answered."WHO THE H*LL IS BANGING ON MY DOOR AT 2 IN THE MORNING!?" She came stomping angrily out of the cabin."max why aren't you in your tent?" I quickly told her what happened and she looked at me like I was crazy. "Max what is all this nonsense about?" "Jesus f*cking Christ, Gwen. What part of 'David is bleeding out in the middle of the woods' do you not understand?" I glared at her while she processed what I said. "David is in the middle of the woods bleeding out... And you need me to go help him." she finally answered with."Yes that's what I've been trying to tell you." She looked out into the woods and shook her head. "Alright, I'll help you. But let me get a few things first." She walked back into her cabin leaving me paceing nervously outside her door. I just hoped David was ok.
𝓟𝓞𝓥 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮
David POV*
It had been about half and hour since Max had left for help. I began to think he just went back to camp and forgot about me. I lay on the ground wondering if he would come soon when the bushes moved. I angled my head towards them. "Hello... David" came a erie voice. My eyes widened as Daniel stepped out of the bush and into the light. "How have you been" He took a step closer to where I was laying and I growled in response. He began to smile creepily and snapped his head to the side. "You will pay for ruining my plans for this pathetic camp of yours." I tried to get up and run away but my injury wasn't letting me. Daniel injected something into my neck and I stiffened and passed out.
𝓟𝓞𝓥 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮*
Max POV*
"Come on, Gwen. Hurry up." I nervously bit my nails as the time past quicker and quicker. She finally came out of her cabin with a small backpack on. "What's in there?" I asked, pointing to it. "A first aid kit, a flashlight, some water, rubbing alcohol, gauze and a blade." "oh ok. Let's get going." I began walking in the same direction I came from and Gwen followed behind. It took us about 10 minutes to get there. I showed her where David was. "Theres nothing there." I began panicking thinking something got him before us when I saw a small bloodstained note laying where David was. I picked it up and read it, my eyes widening. "He took him..." "Who" asked Gwen. "D-daniel" I said, my breath hitching. Gwen pulled me into a hug as I began to tear up. "Don't worry, we'll get him back."she promised."Can I see the note?" I handed it to her and wiped my eyes.
"There was a location on it." Gwen stood thinkimg when she snapped her fingers and exclaimed "I know where they are!" She pulled out her phone and typed something in and then handed it to me. "This is where they are." The phone showed an abandoned warehouse outside of town. I handed the the phone back and asked when we're going to leave for the warehouse. "Well if we're going to help David we need to be prepared." "ok." i said. I followed her back to camp and found all the campers inside the mass Hall. Nerf was standing on top of one of the tables, yelling that he was the new leader of the group sense he was "the smartest". I stifled a laugh as Gwen walked over to calm them all down. She was able to herd them to their tents as I was packing my backpack with necessary items. Neil came into the tent and stared at me me as I worked. "What" I asked. "Why are you putting a knife into your backpack?" he asked. "It's for something important." I answered. "Whatever"he said, scowling. He went to his side of the tent and I left. I waited for Gwen to finish as I paced back and forth. I looked it the woods an I swear I saw David standing there, watching me. I looked away when Gwen exited her cabin and made sure I was ready to go. We headed over to the camp car and got in. It was a quiet ride all the way there.

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