The aftermath

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It was the next morning after me and chase sang our hearts out and laughed all night.

I woke up to Mia, Charli, Dixie , Kouvr, and larray in my room sitting down talking

I soon sat up in my bed and looked around at the girls

"What are you guys doing in here??" I ask as they all turn to me and stop taking.

"We need you to answer some questions." Charli said trying to keep he laughter in.

"Uhh ok lemme change first." I say standing up and grabbing clothes.

I noticed that today was one of the rainy summer days.

I grab a black crop top that was a tank top , with a pair of gray sweat pants with some white Nike ankle socks.

Since it was rainy I just brushed my hair and did a messy bun and came out of the bathroom.

Once I came out of the bathroom everyone stopped talking and looked at me.

"Now why do you need to talk to me?" I ask going to sit on my bed.

"Everyone realized that you and chase were having , fun together." Kouvr said staring at me.

"Yea what about it?" I said confused.

"We think u and chase have a , thing for eachother." Charli said fiddling with her long pink nails.

"What? No, we are just friends guys." I say fixing my bed to make it neat.

"Well then let's try this, do you think he is cute?" Mia said wanting to know an answer right away.

"Yea...." she said.

"So then you like him!" Kouvr explained.

"She wants that clug clug." Larray said fooling around.

"LARRAY!" I sad laughing a little bit.

"Ok we are gonna leave now." Dixie says awkwardly. Once they all leave I go downstairs to see everyone in the same spot they were yesterday.

"Good morning molly." Calvin smiles.

"Good morning." I say back with a smile aswell.

I go over to Mia and sit next to her at the table while chase was across from me again.

   Mia taps on your shoulder while your on your phone scrolling through Instagram.
"Wanna play music on the speakers?" Mia asks.

"Sure, are they Bluetooth?"  I ask looking over at the brunette.

"Yup. Turn on your Bluetooth." Mia said looking down at my phone.

I open my settings and put on Bluetooth

"It's that one moll." Mia said pointing to username for the speaker as I tap on it.

"Does this mean I can play whatever I want over the speakers?" I ask Mia wanting to know an answer right away considering I'm a very, very impatient person.

"Well do you live in this house?"
"Uhh yeah?"
"Then of course." Mia said with a little laugh.

I go on Apple Music and search up Mariah Carey, fantasy.

The music plays over the speakers and I suddenly feel comfortable.

I look up as the music plays within 5 seconds and I see chase is smiling at me.

"What do you want chase?" I say breaking the silence.

"Nothing, it's that you have a good taste in music. That's all." He says looking back down at his phone.

"Ok thanks." I say happy that someone finds the same music as me interesting.

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