Chapter 1

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        As I was sitting in my desk, wearing my sister’s favorite black lace dress with my black flats, ready to get out of class and go to lunch, I started to think about what had happened over the summer to me…

            “Magen, where are you?” yelled my older sister, Sarah. She was 16 and I was turning 15. I always hated that she was older than me.

            “I’m hiding from you and your meanness. It’s like a sickness or something. I don’t want it!” I answered her yell. I was under my bed hoping she wouldn’t make me go to the mall with her. All she did was try on clothes she knew she couldn’t buy, look at older guys who weren’t really cute, and then make me buy something for her since I actually had money.

            “Come on, I know you like going to the mall! I know you hate going with me or mom. How about this time we go and you go look at those stores that you like?” she asked as she reached my bed. She knew I was hiding under there because I wasn’t hiding in my closet. “Meg, you will never get anywhere in life by hiding under your bed.”

            I stuck my head out from under my bed and said, “Yeah I can!” I got out from under my bed and sat on it. I asked, “Are you being serious? Will you really let me go to my stores?”

            “Yes, you can go to your stores. As long as you met me in the food court at 12:00 so we can eat lunch and then come home. Got it?” she replied like she was giving me orders. I shook my head yes and hugged my older sister.

            “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are the best sister ever!” I exclaimed. Finally I get to shop by myself!         

        The bell rang me out of my flashback. I didn’t want to remember the rest of that day. It was too horrible to actually think about.

        “Megan, are you gonna go to lunch or are you going to sit there all day?” my teacher Mrs. Summers asked from her desk in the front of the classroom.

        “I am going to lunch. Sorry. I was just remembering something. I’ll be leaving now. Bye!” I hurried out of her room without hearing her response. I rushed to the lunchroom where all of my friends were probably worried as hell about me. I stopped right before I got to lunchroom. I heard a voice I hadn’t heard in what felt like forever. Josh.

        “Mr. Curse, what are you doing here? I thought your family had sent you away,” asked Mrs. Love standing up and showing off her pregnant belly in a semi tight spring dress. She was wearing blue because she was going to have a boy.

“My dad and I came back after my mother passed. My sister didn’t want to come back and since she is 17 we let her stay,” Josh replied with a smile on his lips. He was wearing dark blue jeans and an Asking Alexandria band shirt.

I tried to walk but it felt like my legs were Jell-O and it felt like my feet were in cement. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in my own fear. Fear that this boy, Josh, would remember me from that day. The day at the mall. The day I really want to forget.

Josh turned his head in my direction as if he knew I was standing there. He waved his hand at me and smiled. Then he started to walk over to me. I was still frozen if my fear. He had remembered me! “Hey. Your name is Magen right?” he asked already knowing the answer.

“Yeah. And your name is… Josh?” I asked as if I had forgotten.

“Yeah. I didn’t know you went here. Crazy, isn’t?” he was talking to me as if we have known each other since we were in kindergarten. As if what happened at the mall didn’t actually happen.

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