Chapter 3

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        Aft a while of just sitting on my bed, it got kind of awkward not talking. So I asked Mickey if he wanted so stay over for dinner. He said yes.

        Around 5:30, I called Papa John’s for one large cheese pizza and one large half pepperoni and half meat lover’s pizza. Jace arrived just before that pizza did so he sat in the living room while Mickey and I sat in the kitchen. The pizza finally arrived around 6:00. I paid for it and told Jace that we were going to watch a movie. He was fine with that

        Jace grabbed two pieces of cheese pizza. I grabbed two pieces of pepperoni and Mickey, the pig he was, grabbed one cheese, one pepperoni, and two pieces of meat lover’s pizza. Jace sat on one end of the couch and Mickey sat on the other end which left me in the middle. It was really awkward. Well for me it was awkward. Both of these boys kissed me! Ugh! Like, man, it sucked at the moment.

        We didn’t watch some stupid romantic chick flick. No! We watched this crazy zombie movie my mom had when she was younger— before me and Sarah—. I guess Mom was cool… Before she got married and had to kids. But those days are over. Now she is a hard working mother with one kid dead, the other kid trying not to follow in her sister’s footsteps, and a husband who never comes home. Yay, Mom! You turned out great!

        Now don’t think that I don’t love my mom because I loved her with all my heart but when she acted like that I wish I could have been born into a different family that wasn’t so screwed up. But I was born into this family. But I’m happy for that.

        The boys had dozed off while I was in my little daydream state. I woke both of them up and told Jace that he had to go home because he had work in the morning. Mickey wanted to stay over again that night but he didn’t want to be a bother to me. Or an inconvenience to my mom. I told him he could stay. It really didn’t bother me and I told him I could deal with my mom. He stayed. I liked having him around. I never did like being alone.

        “Meg, we are together, right?” Mickey asked as we made our way up the stairs to my room. I turned my head, looked at him and smile. It felt good to know that he wanted us to be something.

        “Yeah. We are,” I turned back around and started to walk to my room again. I smiled to myself. It felt good to have someone who actually wanted you. I had to text Kalley. Kalley, OMG, GEUSS WAT JUST HAPPENED?!

        Kalley texted back with: Ur mom has started to come home more often..?

        I frowned at my phone. I texted back: I wish. No. Mickey and I are together!!!!

I waited for a response. While I waited I got my pajamas and my towel. “Mickey, I’m going take a shower. Okay? I’ll be out in a bit,” I walked to the bathroom with my phone in my hand. I put my towel and clothes on the toilet. I heard my phone beep. Kalley! I looked at it and it was from Josh. It said: Meg! HELP!

        I ignored his message and started the shower water. I went to my music on my phone and started to play songs that Sarah and I would listen to together. I liked listening to this music. It felt like she was still here. I stripped and hopped in the shower. I heard my phone beep but I didn’t feel like getting it wet so I told myself that I could answer it when I got out.

        I got out of the shower about 20 minutes after my phone beeped. I got dressed in my pajamas and grabbed my phone, still not looking to see who the text was from, and walked to my room. When I got to my room, Mickey was sitting on my bed with his shirt off. I blushed. I put my dirty clothes in my dirty clothes basket. I put my towel in my closet on one of the shelves. I looked at my phone and saw that I had two messages and one miss call. The miss call was from Kalley and the two messages were from Josh.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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