Chapter 2

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        When I woke up, Mikey was gone. He left a note on my night stand.

Dear Meg,

Sorry I left. I just didn’t want you parents to come in and find us asleep together. They might have thought something very bad. I left around 5 in the morning. If you want to hang out just text me. Kay?

            He left his phone number at the bottom of the note. I was sweet to know that he cared about what my parents would have thought. But they don’t even come in my room anymore. They really don’t even talk to me much. They just get up, go to work, come home, eat (maybe), and then go back to bed. They hardly have any time for me. They don’t want to look at me because I look like her. They think that I’m the reason she is dead.

            I wonder sometimes: What if I was the one who was killed and not Sarah? What if we didn’t go to the mall that day? What if we didn’t walk down that alley? Would things be different if these things had happened? The world may never know. I may never know.

What Josh said to me is stuck in my head. “It was Jace King.” How? Is it even possible? Jace has always been so good to our family. He still comes by every Saturday.

Dammit! Today is Saturday!

I got up out of bed and got dressed in: my cross leg ins, my short black shorts, my favorite Sleeping With Sirens band t, and my sister’s big lime green hoodie. I ran down the stairs to the door. I was about to walk out the door when I heard a noise coming from the living room.

I walked in and saw Jace on the couch. He was holding a picture. I think it was a picture of my sister and me. But I wasn’t close enough to actually see it.

“Hey, Jace,” I said in a small voice. I walked into my living room. I sat down next to him on the couch and looked at the picture in his hand. It was my sister, but she wasn’t with me. She was with Josh and they were kissing. “Ummm… Jace, where did you get that?” I asked since he hadn’t said anything back to me yet.

“I found it in one of your sister’s secret folders she had hiding in her room. I found it one day when she was at school and I came here to surprise her with a present. I was trying to hide the present in her room when I found the folder and found the picture. I wasn’t aiming to find it, but I did. I was afraid that she was cheating on me… And this picture proved it to me… And then she died…,” a tear fell from his eye. I wiped it away like Mikey wiped away my tear last night.

“Jace, it’s okay. I think he may have been only a “spring fling” thing. You do know who he is?” I asked hoping he didn’t.

“Yeah I know who he is. I even asked him if it was whatever you just said,” he smiled at me, “and his answer was ‘No! Sarah and I are in love.’ And that just made me mad,” his smile faded.

“I’m so sorry. If I knew that she had done that I would have told you and made her tell you and I would have stopped her,” I tried to make him feel better even though Josh’s words ‘It was Jace King’ rang in my head.

Jace looked at me. He smiled. I always did like his smile. It always seemed to look like it was meant to be on his face. He dropped the picture into my lap. He leaned into me. I was afraid h was going to kiss me, but I didn’t move at all. He got really close to my face and asked, “What would you do if I kissed you right now?”

I just looked at him. I was shocked by the question. I looked at his lips. I was too afraid to say anything. Jace grabbed my face and brought over lips together. We kissed for a little while. He broke first. He had a sloppy grin on his face. “You kiss just like your sister did,” he said.

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